Wake-Up 1.What are angiosperms? 2.What is pollination? 3.What is the female reproductive structure of a flower? Male reproductive structure of a flower?
Animal Behavior There are MANY videos linked to this presentation. Please make sure to watch them all. I really think you will enjoy them.
Types of Response Automatic Response: Reflexive; involuntary, immediate response to a stimulus
Types of Response Innate Response: Instinctive; Behavior that one is born with; does without thinking
Types of Response Learned Response: Behavior that is taught or acquired through time
Courtship Behavior Behavior in which an animal sends out a stimulus such as Sounds Visual Displays Chemicals In order to attract a mate.
Example: Manakin Bird This bird does a pretty impressive dance to attract a a mate. (Watch Video)
Example: Kangaroos (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
Territoriality Behavior shown by an animal to defend or obtain a territory.
Great Black-backed Gulls (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
*Dominance Hierarchy Social ranking within a population Difference in power, ranking, and access to resources and mating. Dominance Hierarchy in Wolves (Watch Video)
Japanese Macaque Japanese Macaque ( Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
Circadian Rhythm 24-hour cycle Diurnal: Awake during the day Nocturnal: Awake during the night
Nocturnal Tarsier (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
Migration Seasonal movement of an animal or group of animals
Monarch Butterfly Migration (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
Hibernation Takes place during COLD months State of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals Lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rates.
Bears (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
* Estivation Same definition as hibernation, but occurs during periods of extreme heat or dryness. Lungfish (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Innate Behavior
Habituation The lessening of a response to a repeated stimulus
*Habituation Video (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Learned Behavior
Imprinting A rapid kind of learning during a critical period of early life in which social attachment and identification are established.
* Puppy and Duckling Imprinting (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Learned Behavior
Trial and Error Process of finding a solution to a problem by trying different solutions and learning from mistakes.
Life – Primates 41:18 and Challenges of Life 18:10 (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Learned Behavior
Conditioning A process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment
Pavlov’s Dog Experiment (Watch Video)
* Conditioning (Watch Video)
What type of Behavior? Learned Behavior
Insight Process in which an animal uses something it has already learned to a new situation without a period of trial and error.
What type of Behavior? Learned Behavior