Fluctuating asymmetry and fitness in pied flycatchers Leif Christian Stige – University of Oslo Courtship, nest box 248 (he succeded and she laid 7 eggs)
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) - small, random departures from perfect symmetry e.g. ear lengths: FA = |L-R| R L ASYMMETRY: (FLUCTUATING asymmetry: L-R values ’fluctuate’ between individuals in the population – the asymmetry is not fixed)
Developmental Stability - the precision of growth of a given genotype in a given environment - refers to the ability to buffer growth against ’developmental noise’ e.g. growth trajectories of individuals in a clone under exactly equal environmental conditions: random ’noise’ Size Age A. Unstable B. Stable random ’noise’ Size Age
FA and Developmental Stability - random developmental noise acts on each side, leading to small differences between sides - the size of this difference, FA, reflects the developmental stability - the two sides of a bilaterally symmetric trait (e.g. ear lengths) can be assumed to have developed in the same environment and with the same genetic basis EQUAL GENES EQUAL ENVIRONMENT RANDOM NOISE
Empirical evidence of a FA-fitness relation Møller (1997, Am.Nat. 149: ) - ’vote-counting’ (# studies):FA-growth: 10 yes: 2 no FA-fecundity: 16 yes: 1 no FA-survival: 19 yes: 2 no Leung and Forbes (1996, Ecoscience 3: ) - meta-analysis 61species: mean r (FA – fitness related traits) = (SE 0.06) ( i.e. FA explains 6.7% of variation in fitness) - no differences between functional/non-functional, or sexually selected/not sexually selected traits Møller (1999, Ecology Letters 2: ) - meta-analysis, weighted r [95 % CI]: FA-growth: [-0.11, -0,21]n = 10 spp FA-fecundity: [-0.31, -0.37]n = 14 spp FA-survival: [-0.22, -0.26]n = 23 spp Clarke (1998, Am.Nat 152: ) - re-evaluated the data cited by Møller (1997): ”a significant proportion of the data (>50%) reported by Møller as supporting a positive relationship between developmental stability and various fitness components fail to do so,...”
Pied Flycatchers Migratory – breeds May-June Norway Prefer nest boxes Mainly monogamous - 1/5 of breeding males bigamous Females build nests and incubate, both parents feed the young Our study system Sørkedalen, Oslo, 2000 and 2001 Population of pairs each year Totally 108 males and 125 females Birds caught, measured and observed throughout breeding season
Fitness measures Arrival date Pairing status (males: bigamous/monogamous/unpaired, females: primary/secondary) Time until pairing (from arrival, corrected for arrival date) Time until egg laying (from pairing, corrected for pairing date) Number of eggs laid (in primary nest, corrected for pairing date) Hatching success Fledging success Offspring weight Total number of fledglings Return rate
FA measures Prim 1-2 Prim 2-3 Tail 1-2 Tail 2 Tail 1
RESULTS: FA – fitness correlations
Conclusion The results do not support the hypothesis that fluctuating asymmetry is negatively correlated with fitness in the investigated population of pied flycatchers
Why no correlation? The relation between FA and fitness may be indirect, and FA may be a poor indicator of developmental instability - trying to estimate a variance with two data points (high sampling error): - but averaging across traits (and years) increases precision Size Age FA Developmental instability The relation may only be evident in tough conditions High measurement error reduces precision (size of error variance 12-71% of inter-individual variation in FA) There may be no relation between FA and fitness in pied flycatchers?