The Sprayberry Film Club & Festivals
The Film Club’s Mission Statement The goal of the Sprayberry Film Club is to make the joy of film making as well as film appreciation available to the general population of Sprayberry High School and to raise awareness of the film making process among the students of Sprayberry High School.
How will the Mission Statement be achieved? Bi-monthly meetings Bi-annual student film festivals An end-of-the-year award show where awards will be given to student films shown in the student film festivals Club trips to Atlanta-area film festivals and movies
What will happen at the bi-monthly meetings? one meeting will consist of a discussion of the film of the month and the other meeting will be about different film styles, directors, and various elements of film and the culture that film brings along with it
What is a “film of the month”? A film of the month will be chosen by the officers and the sponsor of the club Club members will be able to either access the film of the month through their own Netflix account or will pay a minimal monthly fee for access to the film club’s Netflix account
Who will present the meeting which discusses film styles, directors, etc.? Groups of officers and members will research and present a sort of seminar on the film style, director, etc. chosen by the presenting group The presenting group will also choose an appropriate film(s) (when applicable to the subject) to show clips from and represent their chosen subject
What are the bi-annual film festivals about? club members as well as current and past Gifted Film Studies class members may submit their films to be reviewed and shown during a film festival held at Sprayberry Film festivals will be held over a weekend in October and January in either the theatre or LGI A qualifying rubric and application must be filled out by student filmmakers
What about the film awards show? Some clubs have a banquet, the film club has an awards show Only films shown during the film festivals will be eligible Awards may include best picture, best actor/actress, best screenplay, fan-favorite, etc. Awards may be voted on by a combination of committee of experts and film festival audiences The film awards show will be a fancy event (think of an amateur, small-scale Oscars)
What are the film trips? Not so much trips as much as meetings of the club outside of school… or is that a trip…? Film trips may include: The Atlanta Film Festival, The Bronze Lens Film Festival, the Plaza Theatre, movies that have that certain Oscar “buzz”, films that don’t have the Oscar “buzz” but are still good, possibly stalking movie sets (just kidding… maybe), trying to be extras in a movie or TV show, the AMC Best Picture Showcase, etc. Don’t be confused! THE FILM CLUB TRIPS DO NOT NECESSARILY CONSTITUTE MISSING SCHOOL!
Film Club Fees Currently, we would be looking at a club fee of around $15-$20 which would include funding for the club and t-shirts Additional fees would be charged for those using the club Netflix account and club trips Fundraisers (bake sales and things of that nature) would be held
How can I get involved? Here are your possible options for getting involved with the film club: Wait until next year when membership is available Look forward to and apply to club leadership elections which will hopefully be held in mid-May Get really excited TALK ABOUT THE CLUB! Scream, whisper, tweet, blog, Facebook, twist & shout, whatever you can do, but get the word out about the upcoming film club to your fellow film enthusiasts because word-of-mouth is the best way to advertise the club
Leadership? We’ll need some great leaders for a great club! Here are some of the positions and responsibilities: President-watch over other officers and add to the club through their creativity (ex. Organize trips, help plan meeting activities, etc.) Vice President- assist the president in his/her duties Secretary-keep track of membership, take notes, and keep the club’s goals in sight Treasurer-keep track of fundraising and club funds Public Relations Officer- create propaganda for the club through making posters, video announcements, etc.