School Of Theatre, Film, and Television By: Albert Hughes III Austin Polloks
Degrees Available MFA Acting Animation Cinematography Directing Production Playwriting BA Acting Specialization Design/Production Specialization General Theaters Studies Specialization Musical Theatre Specialization
Entrance Requirements Graduation from high school Take the SAT Reasoning/ ACT test Take two subject SAT tests 50 dollar audition fee Audition: Information Session, Dance Audition, Singing Audition, Interview, Monologue $10,781 dollars tuition fee
Financial Information
Careers Actors Art Directors Choreographers Composers Craft Artists Dancers Directors Fashion Designers Fine Artists Floral Designers Graphic Designers Illustrators Industrial Designers Interior Designers Multimedia Artists and Animators Musicians and Singers Photographers Set Designers Theater, Film, and TV Technicians Web Designers
Experience Requirements Depending on the individual field you choose to enter in, the experience vastly differs. Usually some hands on experience is best when entering into the world of theatre.
Summary UCLA has a prestigious theatre program. If admitted into UCLA it would be a great opportunity to get into theatre. However, the requirements to get into the school are very difficult.