Hand write an explanation of the theory Make sure you include › Whose theory › General overview of the theory › Introduction of each theorist and a brief explanation of their contribution Psychoanalytic- Freud, Horney, Adler, Humanism- Maslow and Rogers
Choose a theorist Write a paper thoroughly explaining his/her theory › Include background information and all aspects of their theory
Using the theorists you chose… Choose an out symbol for your box › - explain how people see you based on the theory › Attach the symbol to the box › Print symbol and attach to paper- write an explanation including how it represents you and the theory
Choose an In symbol for your box › - explain how you see yourself based on the theory Print symbol and attach to paper- write an explanation including how it represents you and the theory (
Paragraph 1 - Explanation of the Theory including the theorists Paragraph 2 - Explanation of the theorist Paragraph 3- Description of the Outside symbol- Why it represents you and the theory Paragraph 4 - Description of the Inside symbol- Why it represents you and the theory Paragraph 5 – Conclusion
If you are absent, the paper to me by 3:00 on Wednesday If yu are here, you must hand in the paper by 2:20. You may NOT the paper