Proposal of a new venture for national security
Pre-emptive security means a system designed to deter any attempt of offense before taking place physically. Most of the developed nations have such type of extensive arrangements and they have attained much attention after 9/11. These systems create a real-time coordination among different systems like aerial surveillance, passenger tracing, automated machines and systems including robots etc.
Terrorists and criminals can’t defeat national establishments like army, police…. so critical state, commercial and development infrastructure is highly exposed to a logical attack, therein jeopardizing our society and way of life. The list of potential targets includes power grids, banks, airlines, air traffic controls systems, trucking and transportation systems, chemical and petrochemical facilities, food storage and manufacturing establishments, retailers, hospitals, national and local government establishments, economic, scientific and educational establishments…….. Electronic espionage also poses a significant threat as cyber criminals are creating new ways to earn a living. Penetrating networks, harvesting files, deleting or altering critical databases, and taking control of critical network components are just a few of the risks. Most of the places in the list have been offended once or multiple times in past and we are helpless every time!!
We at the technical institutes can develop security systems for potential targets and proper controllable and coordinated systems that can be easily used by security personnel. We have projects on (ideas and details put by students and research scholars at IITK): 1. Sound Source Localization 2. Computer Vision 3. Tracing people with the help of Image Processing 4. Remote control through visual servoing 5. Airborne vehicle for outdoor surveillance
Finding students for these projects. Call for some more projects and ideas from students and research scholars, especially in cyber security, data mining and automation. Talk with govt. and private agencies who need these systems so that students working upon them can have a better understanding of the problem.
We have to fight with terrorism in air, water, land, streets, market places, govt. economic, educational and scientific establishments, internet and everywhere with precision and pre-emptiveness so that we can create a better and stronger India. Educational institutes like IITs have to play a central role in designing technologies for such security systems for three broad reasons: 1. Security 2. Cost-efficiency 3. Creating a pool of security experts
** IMP: Name of concerned people is in the next slide.
Prithwijit Guha (Research Scholar): Computer Vision, Aveek Dutta (M-Tech, 2 nd year): Sound Source Localization, Rajat Goyal and Mudit Mehrotra (M-Tech 5 th year): Surveillience Plane, Abhishek Sharma (4 th year): Remote control through visual servoing, Sunny Agarwal and his team(2 nd year): Face Recognition, Some of these ideas were submitted in PoWER Ideas, Takneek At that time, we didn’t have much resources to support these projects but now, we have a support of up to Rs 2 crores. These ideas will be made available to interested students if the people who have proposed them allow for that. Other than these, we invite more ideas related to security systems.