1 TWC Industry Day
Main Plant 21 On-site Suppliers Total Products Tundra Tacoma *Regular Cab *Regular Cab *Double Cab *Access Cab *Crew Max *Double Cab Various parts, components, and services Annual Capacity200,000 trucks per year Employment2,9002, 8005,700 Plant Size2.2 million sq. ft.2.0 million sq. ft.4.2 million sq. ft. Operations Stamping, body weld, paint, plastics, and assembly Major Components / Sub-Assy. & Seq. Operations Schedule 1 st shift : 6:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. 2 nd shift: 6:30 p.m. – 3:15 a.m. Production Facts (as of April 2014)
3 TMMTX has 2900 Employees 5700 Jobs in the Team Texas Campus Production 2435 Multi Skilled 225 Engineers 130 Admin 110 Historically TMMTX has had difficulties in hiring skill maintenance team members. Workforce (as of April 2014) Current skilled TM GAP is 25 TMMTX has never been at 100% jobs filled (Multi Skilled)
4 Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Texas Community Engagement
5 Philanthropy Education Civic & Community Health & Human Services Environmental Arts & Culture Safety
6 TMMTX Workforce
7 Skilled Recruiting Nationwide Texas San Antonio
8 TMMTX Workforce Strategy:
9 TMMTX Workforce Strategy Educate, Collaborate, Advocate Chambers of Commerce Federal, State & Local Officials Workforce Solutions Alamo, TWC Educators (PreK-12, Higher Education) National Organizations (AMTEC, PREP, NMA) Other Industries (Boeing, Lockheed, Rackspace) Military Bases (Transition Servicemen/women)
11 High School and College Career Days San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Annual Magazine Military newspaper ads San Antonio Opportunity Expo Job Fair Orion International Recruiting Firm TX Veteran's Commission Transitioning Veterans Employer Panels Joint San Antonio Military Community Job Fair Women In Nontraditional Occupations Career/Education Fair Toyota’s Hiring Our Heroes Campaign Traditional/Non-Traditional Recruitment
Military Transition Staff Sergeant Duane Bryant U.S. Air Force Skilled Team Member Bodyweld TMMTX has hired 42 servicemen /women in the last 36 months Navy: 19 Air Force: 15 Army: 4 Marines: 3 Coast Guard 1
14 Skilled Apprenticeship Program (Palo Alto Partnership) Bodyweld Team Leader Bega Annayev Skilled Team Leader Bodyweld
15 High School Internships TMMTX established its first internship program with Alamo Academies from local high schools. Students develop a Toyota mindset, enables TMMTX to be a good corporate citizen and strengthen loyalty with our community; and to create a pipeline of local skilled candidates to address current gaps. ATMA Internships: Alamo Technology and Manufacturing Academy The students are exposed to three Career paths: Production Multi-Skill Maintenance Engineering SWISDEast CentralSouthSanNISDSA ISD
16 Greater Chamber Education Committee Raise Awareness to Local High Schools Advertise the “Great Jobs in San Antonio” Inform students of the “Pathway” to these great jobs.
Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) 17 A partnership with Alamo Colleges The Advanced Manufacturing Technician Program (AMT) is a two-year (five semesters) Associate Degree that combines cutting-edge curriculum Two year working scholarship 2013 target 20 students. Each award valued at $30,000 17
19 Educational Initiatives Partnership with the UT-Pan American (HESTEC) and SA Hispanic Chamber STEM Events.
20 Toyota contributes $100,000 to Hispanic Chamber’s Core4 STEM Expo
21 Educational Initiatives Vehicle donations and mentoring activities for local high school Automotive Technology programs (CTE).
Toyota Texas Student Mentorship Program (TTSMP) 22 Classes administered to CTE (Automotive) Safety 5S Standardized Work
23 Engineers In Local Colleges Palo Alto St. Philip’s College PREP (Pre Freshman Engineering Program) UTSA
24 FIRST Robotics
Pre-K 4 SA 25
26 TMMTX STEM Teacher Scholarship 2012 Toyota Texas STEM Teacher Scholarship Recipient 2013 Toyota Texas STEM Teacher Scholarship Recipient
27 TMMTX STEM Scholarships (Community College Specific)
28 Supply Chain Methodology
29 TMMTX Workforce Strategy Educate Collaborate Advocate ALIGNMENT
30 Thank you