Proposal for a DFCS Learning Object Repository For Use by Training Center Coordinators
Problem Training Material updates are sent via – each Training Center Coordinator (TCC) responsible for downloading each update as attachments from individual messages. This can lead to – Confusion – lost productivity especially if the same document is updated twice in the same day.
Proposal for Solution: Set up a centralized server (or location on an existing server) to upload important resources such as: – Materials Lists, – Sign in Sheets, – Evaluation Forms – Other materials necessary to hold training at the various sites in Georgia.
How it works: Each course would have its own “folder” on a centralized server – For example Click on the link Below and the FPA.doc will automatically open in your default Word Processing program. – DFCS/FPA/FPA.doc. DFCS/FPA/FPA.doc
The FPA Document opens in your Word Processing Software
This is the address on the server where the document was “Uploaded” – In the case of this example, the FPA folder contains the documents for FPA training. FPA.doc is the most recent Materials list – You can not access the document by clicking on this link, it can only be accessed by the “Owner” of the document. – You will have to access as indicated on Slide 4
What we gain: Improved Efficiency through immediate updates Portability of Material through Internet Access Material Downloaded only as needed Security Expediency
Efficiency TCCs would only download the material as they needed it. They would not have access to outdated material. Therefore – Fewer Printing Errors!!!!! – Currently the TCC must update all the material immediately upon notification of an update. TCCs also run the risk of not being able to find all the material associated with a course. If all the materials (sign in sheet, student evaluations, etc.) is located in the folder for that course, the TCC’s preparation time for a training session could be cut in half.
Portability All TCCs now have the ability to access the latest version of the document by accessing the Internet – Updates are immediately available on the site! – Great in the case of an emergency!
..As Needed Updates and downloads are only accessed as needed by the trainers and TCCs – The need to update every document by every TCC every time the Documents are changed is eliminated. Now the TCCs will only have access to the most recent documents on the server As the documents will not be saved on the TCCs’ PCs, all the documents in circulation will be the most up-to- date. This will show an increase in Productivity
Security Only the “Owner” of the document and the system administrators will have the rights to update or change the documentation in the FPA folder. This ensures the folder has the most recent documents The Owner is responsible for deleting the obsolete files.
Expediency – Media Materials a DVD can be produced immediately on site that image can instead be downloaded from an image on the proposed server (under the folder for the course), TCC would then be able to either have the business office burn the DVD or burn it on her own PC.
“Just in Time” This eliminates both “wait time” when a TCC sends the material and the expense of postage or mileage transporting the material
Conclusion Changing the current Delivery System for electronic materials to a