By: Kalee, Kayse, Abigail, and Andrew
Question: What combinations will react with each other?
Hypothesis: Both the sodium bicarbonate and the calcium chloride will react with the bromothymol blue and we think that the sodium bicarbonate will be a base and the calcium chloride will be acidic.
Variables: Independent Variable: the chemicals that are being combined. Dependent Variable: the reaction that occurs.
Procedure: 1) Put 10mL of bromothymol blue in a test tube. 2) Measure.3 grams of sodium bicarbonate. 3) Pour the sodium bicarbonate into the test tube with the 10mL of bromothymol blue. 4) Mix substances carefully. 5) Record the data. 6) Repeat steps 1-5 using calcium chloride.
Table: Sodium Bicarbonate: Calcium Chloride: Color Before:BlueColor Before:Blue Color After:BlueColor After:Light Blue Temp. Before:23.1˚ CTemp. Before:23.1˚C Temp. After:23.3 ˚CTemp. After:27.4 ˚C
Summary: When we mixed the sodium bicarbonate with bromothymol blue the color stayed the same. The temperature went up.2°C. When we mixed the calcium chloride with the bromothymol blue the color changed from blue to light blue. The temperature went up 4.3°C.
Graph: This graph shows how the temperature changes when certain chemical reactions occur.