Near East Side Task Force and Planning process May 10, 2011
Planning Commission resolution (Nov. 2010): Focus on commercial-industrial property, development, and the employment base Direction from Council Ward office: Focus the charge on specific, implementable, economic development action steps –A strategy document that includes a block-by-block assessment of key business needs as well as a block-by- block assessment of real estate development opportunities (including vacant building rehabilitation/re- occupancy and possible new development projects) Task Force Charge
Task Force Outcomes List Any revisions to the list? April 19 discussion / sent out via What is one specific idea you’d like to see implemented, short or long term? –Short term (might be 2-3 years) –Long term (4+ years)
Priority data to use for success in completing our Task Force charge Priority data for the Task Force a.Business inventory – current businesses – number; types of business; # employees; location (April 19) b.Building inventory – occupancy/vacancy; condition/code compliance; historic buildings; location (Commercial building subcommittee, May through September) c.Land use inventory – current land use; current zoning; vacant parcels; publicly- owned parcels; existing neighborhood plans (today) d.Recent physical investments – building permits by area businesses – renovations/demolitions; façade improvements; location e.Transportation inventory – current/planned street improvements; planned transit improvements; planned new sidewalk and bikeway investments (June) f.Neighborhood demographics - recent Census/American Community Survey data; Economic Census data on purchasing power data, etc. (June) g.Financing inventory – Business/economic development funding sources/progs/svcs; e.g., City funds (STAR, CIB, PED citywide funds); Port Authority funds (Industrial Rev. Bonds, NMTCs); CDC funds (ESNDC, HSP, Nexus); State funds; (DEED, Met Council); Foundations (McNeely; Pohlad Family, Mcknight) (June or Fall 2011) h.Resident survey – do you shop in the neighborhood? What products/services are missing? (Buy Local campaign is conducting this for the East Side)
Study area current land use
Existing plans – recommendations Southwest portion of study area – Mounds Blvd to Arcade
Existing plans – recommendations Middle portion of study area – Arcade to Earl
Existing plans – recommendations East portion of study area – Earl to Johnson Parkway
Existing plans – open space concepts… Public plaza / mercado on Metro Liquor block “Innovation Way” at Mendota – Beacon Bluff Close streets at: –Hope between Margaret and 7th St –Margaret between 7th and Arcade N N
Publicly-owned “opportunity” sites Hospital Linen site on E 7 th St. 3M/Beacon Bluff campus Globe site Various vacant small commercial parcels on 7 th (south side of 7 th between Mendota & Forest; Old Viaduct Inn site; Old Spanky’s site) Various vacant small residential parcels along 7 th St Etc.
McNeely Foundation Goal Area: Family and Neighborhood Stability: Housing; Job Training; Training Leaders; Engaging Citizens; Fostering a Sense of Neighborhood Proposal ideas: 1)Building on/expanding the flowerpot project along E. 7th St (D. 4/DBABA/Community Design Center); 2)Conducting a series of "paint the crosswalk"/pavement activities for streets that intersect with 7th St in the zone between Metro State and Forest St to increase pedestrian safety (i.e. not across 7th Street but parallel to it where streets intersect with 7th St); and 3)Assistance to develop a design scheme based on the Task Force's initial branding/marketing concepts Possible applicant – Dayton’s Bluff Community Council with DBABA “Family and Neighborhood Stability” grant deadline is June 1 st Community Building Subcommittee report McNeely Foundation Giving Program proposal
Idea: East 7th Street (Arcade to Earl): This enhancement application would provide key streetscape improvements, including lighting and trees, and also traffic calming/pedestrian enhancements along the Beacon Bluff campus –in accordance with District 4 Plan Summary and Beacon Bluff Community Advisory Committee Development Concepts 2011 Regional Solicitation of federal transportation project funding (Enhancements): Due July 18 th to Met Council 2011 LCDA pre-application: Arcade to Earl improvements with Beacon Bluff Innovation Way public plaza proposal. Due May 20 th to Met Council –Placemaking, traffic calming, pedestrian features (lighting, seating, sidewalks, etc.), equipment for hardscape within open space areas (with the exception of landscaping/trees) Update on E. 7 th St infrastructure investment A few possibilities for funding…
“ E ast 7 th S treet S trategic A ction P lan” “Calle 7 Committee” Upcoming Task Force and other meetings… –May 26: Community chat / focus group with Spanish-speaking business owners –June 14: Branding/marketing exercise and transportation/mobility discussion –July or August: Large community meeting - receive feedback on initial strategy and branding ideas ? Possibly meet area businesses ? –September, October, November: Report back from the commercial building subcommittee, synthesis of branding/marketing work, other community building activities Task Force names and next steps in the process
Members: Karin Du Paul, Alex Bajwa, Dan Bayers, Becca Hine, Luis Pereira, Andrew Weisbrod and Ellen Biales (when available) Meet Thursdays, twice a month, starting May 19 Vacancy or for sale? Aesthetic improvements or renovations? Parking available? Current vs. new uses? Recommendation to the City/HRA or to other community partners? Commercial building subcommittee
Dayton’s Bluff Community Council, May 26 th Latino/Spanish-speaking business owners meeting Daniel Bonilla, Giovanna Salerno, Alex Bajwa, Luis Pereira
New Main L213 classroom (second lower level) 700 7th St E., 5- 7 PM June 14, Task Force meeting at Metro State University
Project website: Or… -> Planning -> Current Activities - > Near East Side Task Force and planning Questions / comments ?