Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers to Grandmothers National Walk Overview 1
STRIDE to Turn The Tide INTRODUCTION In June 2010 the 1 st STRIDE to Turn the Tide occurred right across Canada. Grandmothers, along with their family and friends, walked in solidarity raising awareness along with much needed funds for the courageous and resilient grandmothers of Africa. These individuals are caring for children orphaned by AIDS, and changing the course of the pandemic in their communities. The walk was repeated in 2011 with just as great an impact. There are two groups who were instrumental in the success of STRIDE. REVERA’s generous sponsorship provided us with the funds to hold the national walk. We are immensely grateful to Revera for believing in this amazing cause. Even though it is a grandmother driven initiative, without the support from the incredible resources at the Stephen Lewis Foundation, we would not have been as successful as we were. 2
INDEX This presentation is an overview of STRIDE national walk 2010 & 2011 focusing on the following areas: Walk Highlights Walk Financials Feedback Improvements Challenges Key Decisions Steering Committee Responsibilities STRIDE Co-ordinator Responsibilities Next Steps 4
WALK HIGHLIGHTS Participation In both 2010 and 2011 thousands of individuals, grandmothers and “grand others”, walked in solidarity in communities, urban and rural, all across Canada. A number of Revera homes across Canada either had individuals participating or provided a place for the groups to walk. Funds Raised 2010: $356, : $369, Total Raised over the last two years: $725,
WALK HIGHLIGHTS Revera Sponsorship 2010 $30, $20, Of the 86 groups who participated in Stride groups participated and raised funds in both 2010 and groups were new to STRIDE 6
7 WALK FINANCIALS 2010 Income Statement Scarf Sales $35, Donations $30, Total Revenue $65, Cost of Goods Sold Scarf Costs $40, Gross Revenue $24, Expenses Walk Insurance $ Duty & Postage $1, Bank Charges $ Total Expenses $2, Net Amount $22, Income Statement Scarf Sales $9, Donations $20, Total Revenue $29, Cost of Goods Sold Scarf Costs $11, Gross Revenue $18, Expenses Walk Insurance $5, Duty & Postage $ Bank Charges $90.44 Advertising $3, Office Expenses $ Total Expenses $9, Net Amount $8, Bank Balance as of December 2011 = $30,999.83
FEEDBACK The vast majority of the walkers felt that: The purpose of the walk was clear; groups were thrilled to be a part of a national initiative. On-line donation process improved in 2011 resulting in more walkers getting online increasing the dollars donated. Communication greatly improved in The webpage was useful. The bright orange African scarf served as an excellent branding tool and provided a shared sense of solidarity. It was great to work with Revera. The walk was well organized. There seemed to be a good sense of community and a shared purpose. Great camaraderie led to new members joining. Large percentage want the national walk to continue. 8
IMPROVEMENTS As a result of feedback from the 2010 walk the following changes were made prior to the 2011 walk: Ontario National Walk Committee Members reassigned for more effective group coverage Maintained a simple “walk” message Walk documents updated STRIDE Web Page used as central location for documents Documents translated into French With the help of SLF staff many more walkers were able to be put on-line. 9
IMPROVEMENTS In 2011 an SLF communication “intern” was hired to work on the walk. This resulted in a much more organized approach in getting the message out through the following: Established a Communication Plan which will be used for future walks Developed a Public Service Announcement (PSA) Worked with grandmother groups in assisting with media “how-to’s” Assisted with putting together 85 press releases, blogs, event/calendar listings, articles, etc. Notification sent out to over 2,600 SLF media contacts “blitz” sent out to all SLF donors 10
CHALLENGES Fewer groups participating in 2011 due to commitment in other areas. These commitments were a one-time only exception and not anticipated in future years. Inability to get full provincial/territorial representation on the national walk committee. Limited “person-to-person” connection between national walk committee members and grandmother groups. Communication Plan late in being developed resulting in some groups unable to use the same. 11
KEY DECISIONS In moving forward a number of decisions have been made. These include: Given the excellent results of piloting STRIDE over the last two years it is now firmly established as an annual event. The national walk committee has been replaced by the national walk steering committee with the following members Carole Holmes, Co-Chair Pamela Farron, Co-Chair Sharon Vanclief, Financial Representative Helen Silbiger, SLF Zahra Mohamed, SLF With the seed money established by Revera’s Sponsorship a part-time STRIDE Co-ordinator will be hired to work on the national walk. 12
STEERING COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Strategic Planning Budget Planning Obtain Sponsorship Liaise with SLF, Regional Networks, Area Liaisons, Regional Liaisons, Revera Review & Update Forms Oversee Communication, Promotion, On-line Donation Process, Website Development Supervise STRIDE Co-ordinator 13
STRIDE CO-ORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES Communicate with grandmother groups to ensure they understand walk principles Present critical information to Grandmother Groups participating in STRIDE Communicate with Regional Networks, Area Liaisons, and Regional Liaisons on walk activities Troubleshoot walk issues Provide assistance in answering questions Work closely with SLF staff to ensure exchange of information Update documents and website 14
NEXT STEPS Over the next few months the Steering Committee will be focused on Recruiting the STRIDE Co-ordinator Setting up the Co-ordinator’s work station Working with the SLF Communication Department to develop a STRIDE promotional document Connecting with key stakeholders Updating STRIDE documents and web page Establishing STRIDE as a not-for-profit organization Obtaining sponsorship 15