Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman Sustainability Science Research Cluster Universiti Malaya 1
2 Start – Waste Material Cycle Science Concept Circular Economy End – Waste Is waste a “dirty” word? Linear vs circular ? Is this new? Can we go beyond zero waste?
Linear vs Circular Economy Limits of linear consumption 3 Ref: World Economic Forum Report :Towards the Circular Economy: Jan 2014 From linear to circular economy? Restorative or regenerative by intention and design Elimination of waste through the superior design of materials, products, systems, and business models In 2010, 65 billion tonnes raw materials enter the system 82 billion tonnes in 2020 Global trends driving transition to the circular economy : Resource constraints Increasing demand Employment A new type of consumer Shift in socio-demographics Enabling technology Legislation TAKE MAKE DISPOSE
Flagship projects for material sector ‘Golden oldies’: ‘High potentials’: ‘Rough diamonds’: ‘Future blockbusters’: 4 well-established high volume recycled waste purity (PET, glass, and steel) high volume but lack systemic reuse (polymer) large volume by-products (CO ₂ and food waste) innovative materials with breakthrough potential (bio-based materials)
“Sound Material-Cycle Society” F or m ul a ti o n of t h e B asic Plan f or E st abli s hing a S o und M a t eria l - C y cle S o ciety A: Closed-loop system for waste management Source: NWMS, Osaka, Honda Concept of a Sound-Material Cycle Society Key Dates: 2003: 1 st Basic Plan 2007: Review 2008: 2 nd Basic Plan 2015: Indicators & target 2025 Long Term
Beyond zero waste? Our value system: Wasatiyyah Zuhud Istiqamah Lifestyle choices: Patterns of consumption 6 Thank you