Literacy Autobiography
Adjective Adventure Adjective: noun : a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else. For 22 of the 26 letters of the alphabet, you will come up with adjectives (a minimum of one adjective for each of the 22 letters) to describe you as a reader, a writer, and a student. You may use the dictionaries, brainstorm together; however, these adjectives will ultimately need to describe you and not your neighbor.
Web Design On the back of your Adjective Adventure paper, create a web diagram and label it: Literacy Autobiography: Who I am as a reader and writer Use the guiding questions on the handout to fill out your web.
Category Story Sort the information on your web diagram into two categories in your mind. On a fresh sheet of lined paper write down the two categories and assign each a color. Put an appropriate colored dot next to each item on your web designating it one category or the other. Put an appropriate colored dot next to each item on your web designating it one category or the other.
Category Story-The Sequel Sort the information on your web diagram into two NEW categories in your mind. Under your first set of categories write down the two new categories and assign each a new color. Put an appropriate colored dot next to each item on your web designating it one category or the other. Put an appropriate colored dot next to each item on your web designating it one category or the other.
Category Story-The Trilogy Yup, you know what to do a third time!
6 + 1 Traits of Writing Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation-not on handout (that’s the +1)
Writing time! Use your web diagram to develop two dense paragraphs about your literacy. Select a set of categories you came up with and use those two ideas to shape your paragraphs. Each paragraph should be approximately 7-10 sentences. Be sure to include: Topic sentences for each paragraph Topic sentences for each paragraph Concluding sentence for each paragraph Concluding sentence for each paragraph At least 10 adjectives from your adventure At least 10 adjectives from your adventure Double-spaced and indent! Double-spaced and indent!
Introductory Paragraph Develop an introductory paragraph that: Introduces your content and provides an overview of the subsequent paragraphs. Introduces your content and provides an overview of the subsequent paragraphs. Contains a theme or a common thread that pulls both paragraphs together. Contains a theme or a common thread that pulls both paragraphs together. Approximately 5-7 descriptive sentences. Approximately 5-7 descriptive sentences.
Self and Peer Editing Have two peers edit and score your three paragraphs using the 6-Traits rubric. Edit and grade score your own paper using the 6-Traits rubric. Continue to revise until you believe you have earned all 5s. Title your work.
+1 (Publishing/Presentation) Type your final copy following formatting guidelines. Create a frame to surround your typed final draft with visuals that reflect the content of the writing. Print an extra copy sans frame for grading. Your final copy of your Literacy Autobiography with frame is due on Friday. Be prepared to share some of your composition towards the end of the week.