Week 6: Creative Writing Ms. Moran
Tuesday, October 13, Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )
Do Now 0 Should Columbus day be celebrated as a holiday? 0 Think, pair, share.
What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By Friday all stories finished 0 Tuesday: 2 pages- Something you can’t deny 0 Wednesday: 2 pages- What got left behind 0 Thursday: 2 pages- When you felt compassion unexpectedly 0 Friday: Poems
What’s up today? 0 Write a story about something you can’t deny 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Reading 0 Story Plot 0 Ticket to Leave
Free Write 0 What is something about yourself that you can’t deny is true? Or What is something you have lost about yourself that you would like to regain?
Today’s Vocabulary: derive 0 to get/obtain something from a specific source
Today’s Vocabulary: depict 0 to show or describe using a drawing, painting, or other art form
Model Reading 0 As we read 0 HIGHLIGHT: information you think is interesting or language you think is exciting 0 CIRCLE: words you do not know 0 WRITE: four comments or questions in the margins
Writing 2 Pages 0 What got left behind? 0 The day everything changed 0 Finding a new home 0 A death 0 The day you were no longer a child 0 A change (school, country, opinion, hair style, etc) 0 What is something you cannot deny about yourself 0 A time someone broke a stereotype for you 0 A time you were a stereotype 0 How you are different from most people 0 Something you know by heart
Ticket to Leave 0 Swap your rough draft with a friend. 0 Do they have a clear message? 0 Write at least 3 comments in the margins about their use of dialogue, description, and grammar
Please move the desks back to rows
Thursday, October 15, Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )
Do Now 0 Correct the following sentences by adding commas. 0 Her sister Maria stole her dress to wear to prom which was at the boat club. 0 I went to visit Sarasota Florida with my sister Jen and her friend Abby. 0 The best player in basketball Rajon Rondo acts like a fool sometimes before games.
What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By Friday all stories finished. 0 Tuesday: 2 pages- Something you can’t deny 0 Wednesday: 2 pages- What got left behind 0 Thursday: 2 pages- When you felt compassion unexpectedly 0 Friday: Poems
What’s up today? 0 Write a 2 page story about a time you felt compassion 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Model Reading 0 Writing Story 0 Ticket to Leave
Free Write 0 If you could swap places with any animal for a day, which animal would it be and why? Describe what you would do for a day.
Today’s Vocabulary: detract 0 To reduce or take away the worth or value of something
Model Reading 0 As we read 0 HIGHLIGHT: information you think is interesting or language you think is exciting 0 CIRCLE: words you do not know 0 WRITE: four comments or questions in the margins
Writing 2 pages 0 When have you felt unexpectedly compassionate? 0 Write about… 0 Someone who was a true teacher for you 0 An encounter with a stranger (bus, bench, train, etc) 0 A gift given or received 0 Where home is for you 0 Apologizing or not apologizing 0 Giving someone some help
Ticket to Leave 0 What do you have to finish tonight?
Please move the desks back to rows
Friday, October 16, Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )
Do Now 0 Vocabulary Quiz: Use each word in a sentence 0 Connotation 0 Credible 0 Deficient 0 Detract 0 Depict
What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By Friday all stories finished. 0 Tuesday: 2 pages- Something you can’t deny 0 Wednesday: 2 pages- What got left behind 0 Thursday: 2 pages- When you felt compassion unexpectedly 0 Friday: Poems
What’s up today? 0 Write a poem based on a famous first line 0 Revise free write 0 Poem writing 0 Poem Reading 0 Ticket to Leave
Free Write 0 Choose one free write to revise or rewrite. 0 We will share these!
Free Write 0 What’s the most important lesson for a young child to learn?
Poem Writing 0 With a partner, you are going to write a poem based on the first line of a famous poem: “We real cool.”
Reading 0 We real cool by Gwendolyn Brooks
Ticket to Leave
Please move the desks back to rows