Comparing Characters and Genre “Mrs. Flowers” and “The Wise Old Woman” Thursday, Oct. 22 Pages 218-219 Warm Up: Characters in an autobiography are real people. What factors make Marguerite in “Mrs. Flowers” seem more real than the son seems in “The Wise Old Woman”?
Objectives Today students will do the following: Compare and contrast characters and genres Analyze characters in stories Interpret character symbols in a folk tale
Introduction Questions for Understanding: (Breakout Activity) In “The Wise Old Woman” the lord’s opinion of elderly people changes drastically. Describe his original viewpoint, and discuss why he revised his ideas. Each of these stories involves a relationship between a younger person and an older person. What similarities do you find in these relationships? What differences?
In Class Writing Assignment For the rest of class today you will have time to begin your writing assignment. WRITE A PERSUASIVE LETTER In “The Wise Old Woman” the evil lord learns to appreciate the contributions that elderly people can make to society. Think about ways that the elderly have made a difference to you or to society. Then, write a persuasive letter to a local newspaper in which you convince people to volunteer at a home for the elderly.
Closure Have you convinced your readers to volunteer? Did you give reasons and evidence?
Independent Practice Submit your persuasive letter in Brainhoney. Due Today!