Newly Born Pulsars as Sources of High and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays Ke Fang University of Chicago ISCRA - Jul 9, KF, Kotera, Olinto 2012, ApJ, 750, 118 KF, Kotera, Olinto 2012, in prep
GRB AGN Clusters Pulsars ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ UHECR Observational Facts Energy Spectrum Chemical Composition TA favors light composition Pedro Facal San Luis, ICRC ✗✗✗✓✗✗✗✓ Abbasi et al Abraham et al. 2010b Kotera & Olinto 2011
Fe-peaked elements stripped off star surface by E-field I Newly Born Pulsars Heavy nuclei abundant Fast rotational speed Strong magnetic field Ruderman & Sutherland 75, Arons & Scharlemann 79, Blasi et. al 00, Arons 03, Bednarek & Bartosik 04, K.F., Kotera, Olinto 12 cosmic ray charge wind acc. efficiency = 10% Injection index too hard! P ~ 0.6 ms 3 B ~ G toy model const velocity column density ejecta energyejecta mass Unipolar induction
E ej =10 52 ergs M ej =10 M sun η=0.1 UHE Protons can hardly escape (except for very dilute envelope) UHE Irons can be accelerated and escape from ms pulsar Ω ~ 10 4 s -1 with B ~ – G Two competing timescales: Time to escape CR Life time To successfully escape: 4 Our successful UHECR source: ms pulsar in core-collapse supernova Upper limit of rotational speed
Simulation of Injected and Escaped Spectrum ProtonIron Pure Protons above 10 EeV cannot escape! ~E -2 Injected escaped lightheavy Monte-Carlo propagation, hadronic interactions with EPOS + CONEX 5 Injected escaped primary escaped secondary
dN/d log B log B [G] dN/d P P [ms] Faucher-Giguère & Kaspi 06 Pulsar distribution in the galaxy Conclusion I: ≲ 0.01% of extragalactic pulsar (normal pulsar birth rate Mpc -3 yr -1 ) can reproduce measured UHECR flux, spectrum and composition (by Auger). 6 Preliminary Upper limit of rotational speed < 0.01% galaxy density = 0.02 Mpc -3
7 Has to be another source! Extragalactic sourcesGalactic sources dN/d log B log B [G] dN/d P P [ms] Faucher-Giguère & Kaspi 06 Galactic Pulsar ? Upper limit of rotational speed SNREG PulsarAGNClusters Spectrum & Composition above the knee GRB SNR, Fe tail E max = eV Intermediate, not Fe/P! EG, Proton Gal Pulsar
SNR, Fe tail E max = eV 8 KF, Kotera, Olinto in prep Conclusion II : Galactic and Extragalactic pulsars can be the dominant source above ~10 16 eV ! Fit with Auger data 3%Fe+22%CNO+40%He+35%P Fit with TA data 23%Fe+22%CNO+40%He+15%P Halo Height B-field coherence length