What is economics?? Efficient use of scarce resources Study of how individuals and society, experiencing limitless wants, choose to allocate its scarce resources. What do people Want/Desire?? EVERYTHING! ALWAYS!
Economic Questions Scarcity= Limited resources v unlimited wants 3 economic questions 1. What to produce? 2. How to produce it? 3. For whom?
Why Study Economics? We have unlimited wants in a world of scarce resources Econ focuses on the best use of scarce resources Scarcity causes Opportunity Costs: Opportunity cost Forgo something to get the other “Cost of doing business” Sleep v. study
5 Factors of Production 1. Land: All natural resources 2. Labor: Human work 3. Capital: All human-made means of production 4. Technology: Innovation and Design 5. Entrepreneurs: Risk takers, business owners, inventors, etc.
Economic Systems What are “economic systems” Institutions who determine, who, what, where to produce 1. Traditional System: Solves the economic problems through custom and tradition What to Produce: Past habits How to produce: not efficient— old habits For Whom?: Strict rules/social classes/communally
2. Command System Solves economic problems through government authority What to produce: Determined by Gov. & authority How to produce: Determined by Gov. & Authority For Whom: Determined by Gov. & Authority Examples: Cuba, Former Soviet Union, North Korea
3. Market System Solves economic problem answered through Supply and Demand **System is driven by making profits** What to Produce: What makes $$ How: What ever maximizes $$ For Whom: Whoever wants to pay
Capitalism System where the Individual not the government makes decisions Basic Freedoms of Capitalism 1. Free enterprise: Freedom to start and operate own business 2. Private Property: Right to own 3. Freedom of Choice— Choose between goods and services