Presenter: Ms. Dawn Britton Head of Operations - General Register Office
Overview Birth Registration Process Ongoing Activities Challenges Strategies to Improve Birth Registration Future Work Analysis Summary Questions
Computerising data storage, management, analysis & retrieval Early registration of vital events- Capacity building for Registration Development and use of Standard operating procedures country wide Reviewed data capture documents to conform with international standards
Under registration in Regions 1, 7, 8 & 9 (our Amerindian Communities) Late Registration Inadequate registration centres Decentralization of General Register Office services Contemporaneous birth registration. Public awareness of the process and benefits of birth registration.
Awareness Creation - Public education initiated-use of radio, TV & press, in addition pamphlets and posters highlighted the General Register Office’s public awareness program on birth registration. Building Partnerships -Ministries of Citizenship and Ministry of Indigenous People combined managerial skills and personnel resulting in two hundred (200) Toshoas and Community Development Officers joining the project Pilot project was launched at our major Public Hospitals to re-introduce bedside birth registration. The General Register Office is presently monitoring all systems that were put in place during the years to ensure under registration is eliminated
Step up and sustain public education on importance and benefits of birth registration. Pursue total computerisation of records – linking all regional offices to Central office. Strengthen collaboration with all stakeholders to achieve universal registration