Meconium Aspiration Syndrome Presented by Fred Hill, MA, RRT
Introduction Meconium is contents of fetal bowel. Usually not released until after birth. Usually sterile without odor Thick, tar-like dark green to black material Primarily a disease of term and postterm newborns with episodes of asphyxia before or during labor Meconium passage before birth in ~ 10-20% of births Aspiration occurs in ~ 50% of meconium stained newborns
Prevention Intubation immediately following delivery with suction applied to ET tube in depressed meconium stained infant Administration of 100% oxygen
Chest X-Ray Irregular patchy infiltrates, often with hyperinflation
Treatment Hypoxemia treated with warmed, humidified oxygen Mechanical ventilation with PEEP Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Complications Pneumonia Pnemothorax: due to ball-valve phenomenon Persistent pulmonary hypertension Tachypnea that persists even after the need for oxygen has passed