HIV, a silent destroyer Progression of HIV to AIDS without treatment Human body defense system Body reaction to HIV infection
HIV, a silent destroyer Menu
Progression of HIV to AIDS without treatment 3 10 Years Menu
Human body defense system CD4 are permanent defense elements 700 to 1000 CD4 cells/Ml in a normal person CD4 Menu
Body reaction to HIV infection Antibodies 6 weeks Menu
Body reaction to HIV infection, cont CD4 cell HIV virus Menu Antibodies
CowsMosquitos NOT Washing hands From one person to another HIV virus is acquired from Hugging Using same toilet Babysitter
HIV virus causes AIDS True False
CD4 Blood red cellsSkin Medical treatment AntibodiesSoldiers The Human body defense is mainly composed by
Antibodies fight against HIV. False True
Only produced 6weeks after the infection Red cells White cells Meant only to fight against HIV Sweat Unable to kill HIV virus The HIV related antibodies are…
AIDS means that the human defense system is damaged by the HIV. False True
AIDS develops many years after the HIV infection. False True