FIMS/Real Estate Workshop Palm Springs, CA June 2-6, 2008 DOE Oak Ridge Office Rebecca Whitehead
2 12/22/2015 Responsibilities of Oak Ridge Office Multi-Program Multi-Contractor DOE ORO: Science Environmental Cleanup Nuclear Energy
3 12/22/2015 DOE Oak Ridge - Science UT-Battelle (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Oak Ridge Associated Universities (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education) Jefferson Science Associates, LLC. (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility; Newport News, VA) Battelle Memorial Institute (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Richland, WA) Stanford University (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Menlo Park, CA) Federal Direct Operations Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) DOE-ORO
4 12/22/2015 DOE Oak Ridge - Environmental Cleanup Bechtel Jacobs East Tennessee Technology Park Oak Ridge National Laboratory Isotek Oak Ridge National Laboratory – 3019 Complex EnergX Oak Ridge National Laboratory – TRU Waste Processing Facility
5 12/22/2015 DOE Oak Ridge - Other Missions Nuclear Energy Nuclear Fuel Supply United States Enrichment Corporation (Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants, and East Tennessee Technology Park) Asset Utilization
Oak Ridge Office Sites
7 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge - Status ETTP Population of FIMS to include 240 Bldgs., 344 OSFs, and 5,639 acres of land. Accounts for 10% of DOE’s Real Property Inventory. PNNL and SLAC Fully implemented and maintained FIMS.
8 12/22/2015 Status, Con’t. Federal Direct Operations OSTI Fully implemented, validated, and maintained FIMS. DOE-OR Cataloged and entered OSFs into FIMS. Remaining data fields are populated as source documentation is obtained. Developed and implemented FIMS QA/QC program.
9 12/22/2015 Status, Con’t. ORISE Preparation continues for additional buildings to be demolished over the next few years. Transfer of several buildings and land to the Department of Commerce was delayed but now back on track to be completed over the next 6-9 months. USEC Assigned federal staff to manage FIMS. Developed corrective action plan (CAP) for March 2008 Validation to populate FIMS with all DOE ownded/USEC leased facilities. Executing CAP.
10 12/22/2015 Status, Con’t. TJNAF Population of FIMS and contractor expectation of meeting all required deadlines. ORNL Fully implemented and maintained FIMS. Data recording and collection from facility operations have been reviewed and are continuously being improved.
11 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge - FIMS Validation Status Site/ContractorValidation DateOverall Score ORO Federal (SC)January 2008Green ETTP (BJC-EM)February 2008Green TJNAF (JSA-SC)February 2008Green USEC Pad & Ports GDP (NE) March 2008Red PNNL (BMI- EM & SC) January and March 2008 Green OSTI (SC)March 2008Green SLAC (Stanford-SC)April 2008Green ORNL EM and SC (UT-B, Isotek, EnergX, and BJC) May 2008Green ORISE (ORAU)May 2008Green
12 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge Success Stories ETTP ETTP Closure Project – “…dismantling and preparing the massive (~4.8M gsf) K-25 building for demolition is our biggest challenge.” Quote by Gerald Boyd Safety of our employees is our primary concern. K-25 is one of the largest D&D projects in the DOE complex. Project re-baseline stretches closure to Demolished 12 buildings (~558K gsf) and 11 OSFs. K-31 and K-33 (~4.5M gsf) are available for reuse. Transferred 6 buildings (~ 289K gsf) to CROET; 3 of those have been acquired by the private sector. Four more buildings and 6 OSFs will transfer to the City of Oak Ridge in 2008 (~35K gsf).
Oak Ridge Success Stories: K-1401 D&D
14 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge Success Stories - Cont. ORISE Cleared out the storage contents of one building to set the stage for its removal, so we can expand a recently built Shipping and Receiving Facility. ORNL (EM Isotek and EnergX work) Completion of Isotek’s and EnergX’s first FIMS validation in May ’08. Submission of Isotek’s first asset management plan to DOE for approval which includes real estate. Submission of CD-1 in May for the D&D of 292 buildings at ORNL.
Oak Ridge Success Stories ORNL (EM BJC Work) Completed fuel removal at Molten Salt Reactor. Obtained Bethel Valley Groundwater Engineering Study on soil and surface water samples. Installed monitoring wells to further identify existing contamination. Installed Melton Valley Pickett Wells to monitor potential exit pathway from Melton Valley disposal area. Performed Tank W-1A TRU Soil Sampling to obtain detailed analytical data on the TRU soil and identify the TRU and LLW boundary. Disposed of 5 m 3 of newly generated MLLW through the end of April 2008 for FY ’ 08.
16 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge Success Stories - Cont. SLAC Approval by DOE of High Value/Low Maintenance RPV’s for unique facilities.
17 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge FIMS Issues None to report