Welcome and Introductions 1 Ron Wood ILE Kick-off Meeting on June 17, 2010 Technology Investment Agreement (TIA): Integrated Logistics Environment
2 l l General Dynamics Electric Boat (EB) l l Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding (NGSB) * l l Product Data Services Corporation (PDS) ILE Team * with Northrop Grumman Technical Services (NGTS)
3 Program Technical Representative (PTR) – Doug Martin ATI: Program Technical Director - Larry Karns Systems Technologies MI Team – Ron Wood NSRP ILE Contacts
NSRP Funding Strategy Goals Moving Forward to Improve Stability : Maintain direct funding from PEOs/SEA 05 Stability funding nlt $15M FY10/11 - Tax - PEO, NAVSEA, Congress FY 12 Stable at $15 and value based ($5M-OPNAV) - Accomplishments must be attributable to actual program benefits The NSRP funding strategy has evolved over time with significant changes in both the total amount of funding and funding sources. LESS THAN ~$15M SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES VALUE OF PROGRAM
Other 2010 Project Awards l Weld Shrinkage and Distortion Allowance for Neat Construction –Project Lead: Bollinger Shipyards Team Members –Team Members: ShipConstructor USA; Gatekey Engineering; Edison Welding Institute; : Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding-Gulf Coast; Todd Pacific Shipyards; Marinette Marine; Hepinstall Consulting Group; Victoria Dlugokecki l Common Parts Catalog Enhancements –Project Lead: GD Electric Boat –Team Members: Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding-Gulf Coast; GD Bath Iron Works l Streamlining Shipyard Rigging Analysis –Project Lead: GD NASSCO –Team Members: TransSystems, Inc; Atlantec ES; Penn State/ARL l ERP Integration with CAD –Project Lead: VT Halter Marine Team Members –Team Members: Austal USA, Todd Pacific Shipyards, Bollinger Shipyards, Marinette Marine, NG Shipbuilding-Gulf Coast, Praeses LLC, Jerry Pittman & Assoc., ShipConstructor USA 5
Other 2010 Project Awards (continued) l Large Scale Computer Simulation Modeling System Enhancements –Project Lead: NASSCO –Team Members: TransSystems, Inc; Atlantec ES; Penn State/ARL l Process Oriented Visual Planning Tool (POV Planner) – Project Lead: Todd Pacific Shipyards – Team Members: Bollinger Shipyards, NG Shipbuilding-Gulf Coast, Knowledge Based Systems, First Marine International, Autodesk, Praeses l Advanced Systems Development of the Remote Climbing Robot –Project Lead: Robotic Technologies of Tennessee –Team Members: NG Shipbuilding-Gulf Coast, Bath Iron Works, Tennessee Technological University 6 Note: In January NSRP approved phase 2 of Improve Method for Generation of Full-Ship Simulation/Analysis Model 2
ILE SCIM Model Tasks : Electric Boat l Provide Leadership and Project Management for entire ILE effort l Lead the SCIM Development Task as well as the SCIM Evaluation for VIRGINIA Class Data Migration Task l Develop and maintain the XSL transformation mediators for Part 21 to XML transformations for the SCIM entities l Develop and maintain the information models, context schemas, and generated XML schemas for all SCIM chapters l Manage the publication of the ISE schemas and mediators to the ISE website for the SCIM chapters l Maintain the information models developed under ISE-2, ISE-3, ISE-4, ISE-5, ISE-6, and NPDI for the SCIM-related entities l Provide coordination with ISO-STEP pertinent to the adoption and/or modification of the relevant SCIM standards l Contribute to the development of the integration architecture to support the SCIM 7
ILE SCIM Model Tasks: Northrop Grumman l Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding (NGSB) supported by Northrop Grumman Technical Services (NGTS) –Lead the SCIM Evaluation Task for Sharing DDG 1000 Structural Design Data with Manufacturing Systems Across Shipyards –Participate in writing the remaining seven chapters of the SCIM as part of SCIM Development Task –Develop software to support demonstrations and prototypes –Assist in the development of briefings and reports 8
ILE SCIM Model Tasks : Product Data Services (PDS) l Monitor both the VIRGINIA and DDG1000 SCIM Evaluation Subtasks to identify and record any enhancements that are required to existing SCIM chapters, as well as changes to improve the structure of the SCIM document l Participate in development of the remaining seven sections of the Ship Common Information Model l Develop SCIM-STEP Mapping Tables for each SCIM section l Continue resolution of technical issues against content of source XML schemas for all SCIM sections. 9
10 Back-up Slides