Primary Document Quest
The Holy Bible The most influential piece of literature in Colonial America Charged words: God, satan, devil, almighty, death, kingdom, bow, die, believe, worship, love, fear, hell, heaven, sin Persuasive appeals: Jesus' parables, specific chapters in the old and new testament, prophases.
Garden of Eden is described to be the most perfect place in the world where all of the animals are in harmony and there is no shame or fear. Jesus at his cross was a gruesome scene that described the pain and torture so vividly I don't even like to talk about it. Jesus' miracles were a big part of his image to the people of Israel, Jerusalem, and other places that he performed them, the writers of the Bible really made you feel that you were there. Imagery
The writer's tones were vivid and reach out to you. The way they wrote things was incredibly related to the way we speak and function now. Everyone who reads the Bible has to have one story they like because the way they wrote it relates to the reader at some point because to some people its just a story or fiction if you prefer. To me it is non-fiction and I believe it really happened but that's just me and I think most all of the stories are incredible. Tone & Diction
The Bible starts off with the Old Testament in Genesis 1:1 and later ends in the New Testament in Revelation 22:21. It covers all of the prophases in the Old Testament and Jesus fulfills the prophases in the New Testament and gets people to believe in who he really is, The King of Kings. Within the two leather covers of the Holy Bible are the most fascinating stories I may have ever heard and there are to many too summarize in a simple paragraph. Background/Summary
Powerful Arguments: 1) God and satan are always at battle over his creation and satan always tries to bring Him down but never succeeds 2) Humans and sin are two very inner locked things, no one in the world has ever provoked sin and been perfect except Jesus. 3) Holy Spirit and satan, much like the cartoons of the bickering angel and demon on your shoulders. It is basically the battle everyday between good and evil for man. Analysis
Effect of each argument 1) God will always prevail and win against satan and it says in the end of the Bible that He will defeat him. 2) Humans may or may not give into sin every once in a while but eventually it happens, we can't all be perfect 3) The devil whispers in your ear something to do and you might do it and fall to sin or you could listen to the Holy Spirit and stay pure
This document changed American history because when we took it out of a Greek or Hebrew context of which it was originally translated from, we as Americans were thrilled to have the story behind our religion in our hands. It changed people's lives and almost everyone that moved to America in the first colonies were there to worship God because their old country would not let them Significance of "The Holy Bible"
The Bible had a story for every time I was going through something hard. It would speak words of wisdom that I needed when no one else was there for me. The Bible truly is the reason I am who I am and I hope to keep it that way because it's the best document of cultural history I've ever read in my life. Direct Affect on Life
The Holy Bible Works Cited