From past to present… Transport It! …and beyond!
Forms of Transport Transport includes all the ways of moving people or goods from one place to another. People and goods can travel by water, road, rail or air. Some goods are also transported by pipeline.
From the Past to the Present Select one form of transport to research Create a timeline that shows how your form of transport has changed over time Use the research grid to help you gather your information
To infinity and beyond… Now that you have researched how transport has changed over time, it’s time to step into the future. It’s the year 2050, and you have been asked to design a prototype of your transport. What will your vehicle look like? What safety features will it include? How will it be powered? What materials will it be constructed from?
Creating your design You may like to paint or draw and label a picture of your vehicle You could construct your vehicle from plasticine or recycled goods You could use the computer and graphically design your vehicle Use your imagination and start designing!
Rocket power boosters Solar powered energy Razor sharp wings to cut through the air Aerodynamic nose
Presenting your design You will need to scan your picture or painting, or take a digital photo of your creation Insert your image on to your timeline and describe your vehicle Check out everyone’s timeline and learn all about different forms of transport