Robot Report “Emerson” Crawford Hampson EEL5666: IMDL April 8, 2010
Robot: “Emerson” Autonomous robot capable of using wall outlets to recharge itself
Sensors Bump sensor plates –Radio Shack switches IR sensors –Sharp medium-range sensors (obstacle avoidance) –Sharp short-range sensors (wall-following) Battery voltage –Voltage divider Electromagnetic –Op-amp detector circuit with signal conditioning
Actuators Y-Z stage –Linear actuators Bipolar stepper motor Hacked servo
Behavior Obstacle Avoidance –Bump sensors LS, LF, RF, RS differentiation –IR Detect obstacles Fuzzy logic speed control Wall following Detect wall outlets
Conclusion Problems with linear actuator fabrication slowing things down, but should be running by Demo Day Left to do: –Finish actuator –Integrate software behaviors –Refine