Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by p This workshop aims at maximising participation in strategic planning framework and identifies various stakeholders Participation 52 Sri Lanka, 2007
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by The objectives of this workshop are to form an understanding of and share experience amongst the participants about: 1.Presentation: The importance of participation 2.Workshop: The aims and indicators of participation 3.Workshop: The various stakeholders, and methods of engaging them 4.Workshop: Participation planning 5.Presentation: The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations Workshop objectives !
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Participation within strategic planning Strategic planning objectives Coordination Critical path analysis Transitional settlement and reconstruction Resources Schedule for implementation Participation Assessment, monitoring and evaluation Scenarios Legal Framework Handover Strategic plan
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by The three major stakeholder groups are: 1 Affected community Government Humanitarian community Stakeholders
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Workshop groups Each group will have 10 minutes to discuss their allocated theme, as follows: Group 1: aims and indicators of participation Group 2: relationship between the affected population and the humanitarian community Group 3: relationship between the humanitarian community and the government Group 4: relationship between the stakeholders within the humanitarian community Group 5: steps in planning and implementing participation Indonesia, 2005
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 1: aims and indicators It is essential that a proactive and integrated approach to participation is agreed between stakeholders in activities such as: upgrading a self-settled camp developing the content of a NFI package Continuous participation is important in the development and implementation of the response strategy at every level The success of humanitarian operations will be directly proportional to the consensus achieved in developing and implementing the strategic plan
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 1: aims and indicators What are: A.the aims of participation B.the indicators of participation in response A. aims B. indicators Each group agrees a key point Key point Aims & indicators Discussion in groups
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 2: affected population The affected community will take on the majority of work resulting from a disaster and will be best equipped to identify their needs and priorities Participation will also ensure the affected population understands the scope and limitations of the humanitarian response The humanitarian community should support existing community capacity through participation Indonesia, 2007
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 2: affected population What are: A.the outcomes B.the methods of participation between the affected population and the humanitarian community? A. outcomes B. methods Outcomes & methods Each group agrees a key point Key point Discussion in groups
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 3: government The government will accept final responsibility for the management and maintenance Pre-disaster government capacity will be insufficient to match demand Following a disaster, support will be required to increase human resources and assist in coordination of projects A well coordinated response will improve post disaster capacity, existing laws, land tenure mechanisms and building codes
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 3: government What are: A.the outcomes B.the methods of participation between the government and the humanitarian community? A. outcomes B. methods Outcomes & methods Each group agrees a key point Key point Discussion in groups
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 4: humanitarian community The arrival and departure of different organisations and the transfer of roles and responsibilities make participation and coordination difficult The community, government and other agencies have difficulty identifying a reliable contact point within an organisation as roles and responsibilities are transferred to new personnel Indonesia, 2005
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 4: humanitarian community What are: A.the outcomes B.the methods of participation between the stakeholders within the humanitarian community? A. outcomes B. methods Outcomes & methods Each group agrees a key point Key point Discussion in groups
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 5: planning participation Agencies work in close relationship with the local administration and government to determine the best use of resources available both within the affected country and within the international community Agencies involve affected populations from the beginning of the response while agreeing a strategy, through information campaigns, public outreach and workshops, depending on the specific circumstances
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 5: planning participation Choose an example activity for which participation is valuable, such as upgrading a camp, and describe the steps that you would take in planning and implementing participation step 1. … step 2. … step 3. … step 4. … Planning Each group agrees a key point Key point Discussion in groups
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Key point Group 1 key point: aims and indicators Question: What are the aims and indicators of participation in a response? Group 1 shares one key point with the other groups
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 1: aims and indicators Participation aims to: A.ensure that the opinions of all the stakeholders are heard a common agreement C.make sure everyone can express themselves comfortably D.achieve appropriate and equitable support Bangladesh, 2007
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Indicators of good practice in participation: the affected community considers the project to be appropriate culturally the affected community is involved in project implementation (self-reliance) the project uses local, traditional methods of climatic control familiar to the affected community the project design continues through recovery regardless of external inputs (sustainability) the affected community considers that it is guiding the project the affected community is involved throughout the project cycle changing needs and resources are reflected in the project throughout the project Group 1 : aims and indicators
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Key point Group 2 key point: affected population Group 2 shares one key point with the other groups Question: What are the methods and outcomes of participation between the affected population and the humanitarian community?
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by When developing a project plan, the humanitarian community should work with every group of the affected population in order to A. understand the varied needs and priorities based on age, gender, ethnicity and income B. understand traditional construction methods C. identify the degree to which different groups are affected D. identify local knowledge, expertise and capacity E. identify land ownership F. identify potential environmental impacts G. understand local Natural Resource Management (NRM) Group 2: outcomes and methods
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Methods to achieve community involvement include: community consultation provide a continual presence through information booths support local committees support access to decision making bodies focus groups, facilitated discussion groups support community initiatives provide phased technical input Individuals should not be asked for information in situations in which they may feel uncomfortable Group 2: outcomes and methods
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Key point Group 3 key point: government Group 3 shares one key point with the other groups Question: What are the methods and outcomes of participation between the government and the humanitarian community?
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by When developing a project, the humanitarian community should work with the government in order to: A. coordinate with government task forces and ministries B. use government knowledge and expertise C. support existing management structures, laws and regulations D. identify land ownership E. involve the government in identifying existing utilities and infrastructure and how these will need upgrading F. agree standards of appropriate response Group 3: outcomes and methods
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Methods to maximise government participation include: recognising, support and attend government coordination mechanisms ensuring that the government understands the purpose of, and is invited to, humanitarian coordination mechanisms supporting human resources capacity and development with seconded staff, training, materials or funding offering joint training and training workshops supporting meetings between task force and line ministries involving government in regional strategic planning supporting government involvement in assessment monitoring and evaluation, beneficiary selection and development of land tenure mechanisms Group 3: outcomes and methods
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Key point Group 4: humanitarian community Group 4 shares one key point with the other groups Question: What are the methods and outcomes of participation between the stakeholders within the humanitarian community?
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Outcomes: A.coordinate with other agencies and stakeholders B.develop a unified strategic plan C.identify funding and human capacity D.identify any established, bilateral relations between agencies and stakeholders E.achieve accountability F.achieve unified standards and principles G.make use of available technical expertise Group 4: outcomes and methods
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Methods to maximise participation within the humanitarian community require: the allocation of specific tasks to specific organisations in order to increase accountability that the humanitarian community understands and conforms to government coordination mechanisms involvement of all agencies especially marginalised actors such as local NGOs and development actors the development and support of national and regional coordination sector-wide collective activities such as assessment, monitoring and evaluation to ensure consistent standards the provision of sector-wide services such as training and information Group 4: outcomes and methods
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Key point Group 5 key point: planning participation Group 5 shares one key point with the other groups Question: Describe the steps that you would take in planning and achieving participation
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Group 5: planning participation Both the affected and host communities should be involved in planning and decision making. Participation checklist to implement an effective response: List required participants List activities making up the participation plan Describe and allocate roles List the mechanisms required to achieve the participation plan Draw up a schedule for achieving the participation plan Agree further checklist points within strategic planning group
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by The rights and well-being of individuals must be safeguarded Every person must: have the right not to participate or not to express themselves be informed of the scope and the limitations of the project, as well as its purpose and the process of the assessment be aware of risks, inconveniences and benefits be reassured of the confidentiality, protection of sources and told how the information they provide may be used be permitted to express themselves freely without interruption or being negatively challenged be given names of contact staff should they want to follow up The UNHCR ethics of participation The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations (UNHCR, 2006)
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Phase 1 Analysis of existing information Understandings of the population profile, demographics and diversity, socio-economic, political, legal context Phase 2 Participatory assessment Structured dialogues with refugees/IDPs of different groups and background. Identify protection risks, assistance needs as well as community capacities Phase 3 Participatory planning Representation from each group when reviewing and analysing information. Design programmes with protection focused objectives, community based activities, diversity indicators Phase 4 Outputs A protection strategy, plans, agreements Phase 5 Outcomes Result-based management, rights and community based approach, age, gender and diversity analysis UNHCR participatory phases The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations (UNHCR, 2006)
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by 1.Reviewing – compile already existing information 2.Mapping diversity – include as many groups as possible 3.Selecting methods of inquiry – respect protection risks 4.Selecting themes – based on documentation review 5.Facilitating discussions – organisation different settings 6.Systemising the information gathered – frequent reviewing 7.Follow-up actions – keep channels open 8.Comprehensive analysis and prioritisation – organising and analysing data from each group 9.Recording meetings – to support future work 10.Organising participatory planning workshops UNHCR participatory assessment steps The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations (UNHCR, 2006)
Shelter Training 08b – Belgium, 16 th –18 th November, 2008 based on content developed by Bibliography ‘The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations’ (UNHCR, 2006) ‘Transitional Settlement and Reconstruction after Natural Disasters’ (United Nations, 2008) ‘Participation by Crisis-Affected Populations in Humanitarian Action: A Handbook for Practitioners’ (ALNAP, 2003)