Agenda 10/31/14, 11/3/14 1)Sketch/write #15 2)Amazing Photoshopped Movie Posters 3)Complete the Movie Poster Final Proposal Sheet – Due end of class 4) Sketch/write #16: Sketch 3 possible movie posters in your sketchbook (3 boxes 3X3” each) before you begin in Photoshop. 5) Begin your Movie Poster in Photoshop: Use a text effect for the title If you want to include people’s faces in your poster you must shoot photos of family, friends, or peers. No Google images. No celebrities. 11 X 17”, 150 ppi 6) Work on your Independent Semester Project: 3 Photoshop Tutorials 7) Complete the extra credit Day of the Dead artwork
Sketch/write #15 Review the PowerPoint of “Amazing Photoshopped Movie Posters” on today’s date. 1)Choose 1 poster you like the best and describe the poster or draw a thumbnail sketch of it. 2)Explain why you like this poster. Why is it appealing, dynamic, and eye- catching? 3)Make a list of these things: The Title and where it is located on the poster The Tagline and where it is located on the poster Describe the main image Who is the production company? Look for the logo. Who are the main actors? Where on the poster are their names found? 4) Explain how this poster demonstrates creativity. 5) Explain what Photoshop techniques you think the artist used. 6) Explain what elements of art and principles of design are used in the poster 7) Explain how this poster may inspire your own artwork.
Genre: The general category your movie can be classified as Drama Comedy Action/Adventure Animated/Anime Science Fiction/Fantasy Romance Western War Documentary Musical Teen Mystery/Thriller
Target Audience Who are you making this movie for? Who will want to see your movie? (gender, age group, culture, etc.) How will it appeal to this audience? What will you include that this audience enjoys?
Treatment/Synopsis A plot summary that concisely explains the setting, characters, storyline, conflict and resolution of your fictitious and original movie.
Title and Tagline Title: limited amount of words to grab interest of intended audience Tagline: a unique phrase that piques the interest of the audience and possibly sums up the storyline without revealing the resolution
Batman-The Dark Knight: “When Darkness Falls, the Knight Will Rise”-and “Why So Serious?” Finding Nemo: “There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean. They’re looking for one” The Notebook: “Behind Every Great Love is a Great Story” Zoolander: “3% Body Fat, 1% Brain Activity” An Inconvenient Truth: “By Far, the Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever See” Disturbia: “Every Killer Lives Next Door to Someone”