10/5: Do Now Please sit down QUICKLY & QUIETLY so we can discuss some issues together…
Issues to Address Phones Maturity Being on task (warm-ups and transitions) Excessive talking Grades and ASE space Q: So, how can we fix these issues?
10/5 DO NOW: Complete the “Appreciation” Ethical Dilemma in your workbook on page 49. Get it stamped BEFORE the time goes off. Enter into your TOC: 10/5: 24L: Appreciation and Gratitude Notes 10/5: 24R: Weekly #7
A PPRECIATION & GRATITUDE Being thankful for what you have, instead of complaining about what you don’t… Demonstrating your thankfulness to those who have helped you succeed with actions. Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Week 8
Appreciation “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” -Sir Isaac Newton Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
Gratitude “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” -Marcel Proust Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
Appreciation Definition: being thankful for what you have. Example: Saying thank you to someone who shared their lunch with you when you forgot yours. Gratitude Definition: having your actions show thankfulness. Example: Writing a thank you letter to a basketball coach for staying late to help you with free-throw shots.
*Appreciation (words) is important, but it needs to be supported by gratitude (actions). This week, we will focus on appreciation and gratitude regarding positive role models in your life.
A positive role model is somebody who: 1.Believes in you 2.Spends time with you 3.Demonstrates the difference between right and wrong 4.Sets a good example 5.Overcomes obstacles 6.Inspires you to be better 7.Relates to you and cares about you
Charles Barkley, a tremendous NBA basketball player, once said that he should not be a role model because a role model for kids because a role model should have personal contact with you. He received a lot of backlash regarding this statement. What do you think? Nike CommercialNike Commercial
Now, looking at these qualifications, write 2-3 sentences describing someone who is or has been a role model to you. Include a specific example. We will share these aloud. (*It should be someone you actually know…) A positive role model is somebody who: Believes in you and lets you know you can succeed Takes time out of his/her own life to spend it with you Teaches you about morality and the difference between right and wrong Stays out of trouble and sets a good example Perseveres over obstacles in life to succeed Inspires you to become a better person Relates to your experiences and/or cares about you
Presentation practice From your spot in the classroom: stand up, turn toward the audience and say JUST the person’s name that is a role model to you. Focus on stance & volume Sit down when you’re done
Brainstorming Chart: 1.What are some ways that you can demonstrate appreciation and gratitude? 2.How are these ways similar? 3.How are they different? AppreciationGratitude Demonstrations Similarities Differences
Weekly Assign. #7: Appreciation & Gratitude Due Fri, 10/9 Answer workbook question from page 50. *Brainstorm! Please write your responses on a separate, loose piece of paper! *Do not write it in your actual notebook. 1.The letter should be 1 handwritten page in letter format. 2.All sections (#1-5 from page 50) should be discussed in your letter. 3.RESERVE Page 24R for your weekly, once it is graded and returned to you. 1.This way, you can give it to your role model, or just attach it to your notebook.
Appreciation and Gratitude in Action 1. Get 3 post-its from the front table 2. For each person, write down their name, and why you appreciate them. One friend at school One teacher One family member 3. Then, at some point today, give them the appreciation note!
10/6: Stepmom page 25L Q1: How does the mom and the stepmom begin to appreciate or show gratitude to each other? Give 1 specific example from the movie. Q2: How do the kids begin to appreciate or show gratitude to their stepmom? Give 1 specific example from the movie. Now, complete Questions #1 and #2 of the Gratitude Ethical Dilemma on page 66 in your workbook and GET IT STAMPED.
10/7: Christopher Reeve: page 25R. Write the DQ and the chart down. Use the whole page. Driving Question: How did Christopher Reeve show appreciation and give gratitude despite his difficult circumstance? Evidence (Quote) Explanation Appreciation #1 Appreciation #2: Gratitude #1: Gratitude #2:
10/8: Appreciation and Gratitude Mini Project: Groups of 2-3. Use a big Poster 1. Pick a group of people of a person that you want to show appreciation toward 2. Summarize who they are and what they do 3. Explain why you are appreciative or thankful – 3 things they do that you are thankful for 4. Create a plan to demonstrate your gratitude What will you say (appreciation) What will you do? (gratitude) 5. Explain how your plan will honor that person or people for their work Examples: military persons, teachers, firefighters, parents, activists, nurses, etc.
10/9: 26L: “Brotherly Shove” What lesson do you think the brothers, Corey and Eric, learned about the importance of appreciation and gratitude?
10/9: Bob Hope page 28R. Bob Hope is an example of gratitude primarily because he gave up his own time to perform for troops overseas. His actions showed his thankfulness for their service. Agenda: 1.Read “Gratitude: Bob Hope” in Role Models pages and take 5 main idea bullet points notes on page 28R. 2.Take the reading quiz. *You may use the book. Turn in when done. 3.Complete the “Letter of Gratitude” to a parent/guardian from workbook page 67 on a separate piece of paper. Get stamped when done.
Weekly #8: Appreciation & Gratitude RUBRIC Total = /20 1.Letter states WHY person was selected = 3 pts 2.Letter thanks person for their help = 3 pts 3.Letter describes how role model helped you = 3 pts 4. Letter gives examples of their help = 3 pts 5.Letter states how you will live up to this example = 3 pts 6.Brainstorm on page 50 complete in workbook = 3 pts 7.Letter format (Dear ____, from ____) = 2 pts
C HRISTOPHER R EEVE Appreciation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
C HRISTOPHER R EEVE Christopher Reeve was famous for his role as Superman. In 1995, Christopher Reeve was paralyzed from the neck down, becoming a quadriplegic. He was ready to give up, but his wife and young son convinced him that he was still a husband and father even if he couldn’t use his arms and legs anymore. He established the Christopher Reeve Foundation and worked hard to find a cure for paralysis. Christopher Reeve died in Appreciation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
C HRISTOPHER R EEVE “To be able to feel just the lightest touch is really a gift. The fact is that even though your body doesn’t work the way it used to, the heart and the mind and the spirit are not diminished.” Appreciation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
Ethical Monday Ethical Dilemma – Defining a Role Model Lecture - The Importance of a Role Model Character Movie Tuesday Scenes & questions from My Life Role Model Wednesday Quiz on Chapter 8 – Christopher Reeve Basic Skill Thursday Opening Doors for Others Guest Speaker or Current Events Assignment Friday Write a letter to your role model. Be sure to invite them in for the party on Friday. Appreciation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
B OB H OPE Gratitude Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
B OB H OPE Bob Hope was born in England and came to America at the age of 4 through Ellis Island. Bob Hope initially found success in vaudeville and went on to have a successful career in radio, film and television. He is most famous for entertaining the troops for over 50 years during peace and wartime. He spent every Christmas with the troops in some far away part of the world. Bob Hope was made an Honorary Veteran in Gratitude Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
B OB H OPE “I might as well admit it, I have no politics where the boys are concerned. I only know they’re over there doing a job that has to be done, and whatever is best for them is best for me.” Gratitude Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
Ethical Monday Ethical Dilemma – The Role of Parents Lecture – Essential Ingredients for Raising Children Character Movie Tuesday Scenes & questions from Step-Mom Role Model Wednesday Quiz on Chapter 11 – Bob Hope Leadership Thursday Basic Skill: Writing Thank You Notes Guest Speaker or Current Events Principle #11 – The Art of Decision Making Assignment Friday Write a Letter Expressing Gratitude to Parents Gratitude Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character