Adverbial Clauses and Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions Because while if when although after before Although As Since So that Than Unless Until where
Subordinate clauses= Adverbial clauses Subordinating conjunctions begin subordinate clauses When Halloween night arrived Although the thunder cracked After the lightening flashed If the red moon rises Until the wolf howls
Punctuating Clauses The wicked witch brewed a stew in a cauldron while her wicked sister chanted a wicked spell. When the wild wind blew, the smoke rose.
Subordinate Clause, Independent clause Introductory Adverbial clauses are followed by a comma; in other words, a comma will come before the main clause. Write 10 sentences with introductory adverbial clauses. Each sentence must begin with a different word. ALL verbs must be action verbs. Remain in 3 rd person.