India has a long rich history of dyes and patterned textiles. What is believed to have started as a religious ornamentation grew over the years to incorporate local practices influenced by trade. Textiles remain a defining part of India culture. By: Carl Dombrowik Patterns in History
Some India textiles use patterns for story
Others use color for moods like glory
Some patterns are ornate or rich in design Techniques: Batik Kalamkari Embroidery Block Printing Applique
Others are simple and yet still divine
India has a history of vibrant natural dyes Red: Madder Blue: Indigo Yellow: Turmeric
Detailing cloth for every reason why
Some techniques focus on individual threads
or bulk cloth or even shreds
Now it is time for you to try
A pattern to tell a story through dye We invite you to share a dye project by sending a digital photo of your experience with your story. Try one of our recipes to make natural dye, or even create your own. Try an easy tie dye then work your way up through more ornate samples. Your work may someday become a Pattern in History.
Sources: (1854%2F1855)7%3C536%3AROTEOC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-O (1854%2F1855)7%3C536%3AROTEOC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-O 31S&src=LeftColumnNewArrivalshttp:// 31S&src=LeftColumnNewArrivals chives/images/2006/09/ _dye_swatches.jpg&imgrefurl= yeing/&h=344&w=459&sz=45&hl=en&start=30&um=1&tbnid=I3naYXeFvVUwyM:&tbn h=96&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbandhani%2Bdye%26start%3D18%26nds p%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox- a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en- US:official%26hs%3DZTO%26sa%3DN
Sources continued : intedhttp:// inted hangings-bali/index.cfm?c=499&l=4&si=1http:// hangings-bali/index.cfm?c=499&l=4&si=1 =interpreting+india+textile+pattern&source=web&ots=BGMYpc8FyI&sig=0k dlp3PZrM1Wzzlp5ReLIPEDab4#PPA56,M1 =interpreting+india+textile+pattern&source=web&ots=BGMYpc8FyI&sig=0k dlp3PZrM1Wzzlp5ReLIPEDab4#PPA56,M1 nts/motifs/index.htmlhttp:// nts/motifs/index.html textiles.asphttp:// textiles.asp reports/textile-printing-in-india-traditional-approach/textile-printing-in-india- traditional-approach3.asphttp:// reports/textile-printing-in-india-traditional-approach/textile-printing-in-india- traditional-approach3.asp
Sources continued:
Sources continued: _Dye_Copper_Leafing_Busted_Top.html /Satin_Silk_Tie _Dye_Copper_Leafing_Busted_Top.html