The black hole X-ray nova XTE J was discovered by RXTE (Atel #2258) on October 23, The Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on-board the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) on the International Space Station(Matsuoka et al., PASJ 2009) detected the source on October 23 at about 30 mCrab in the keV band(Atel#2259). During first three months in the low/hard state (LHS), the light curve showed two plateaus at 140 mCrab from October 26 to November 25, and at 290 mCrab from December 5 to January 10, Then the spectrum drastically softened since January 19 (Atel#2396). The X- ray flux in the 2-4 keV band increased by a factor of more than two, and the plasma ejection was detected simultaneously by radio observation(Atel #2400). The source came back to the LHS around April , and the source declined to the undetectable flux in July MAXI/GSC monitored XTE J from the beginning of the outburst to the end (Nakahira et al.,PASJ 2010). Satoshi Nakahira, Kazutaka Yamaoka (Aoyama Gakuin Univ), Hitoshi Negoro (Nihon Univ.), Yoshihiro Ueda(Kyoto Univ.) and the MAXI team. Spectral Evolution of the Black Hole X-ray Binary XTE J Observed with MAXI red: 2- 4 keV, green:4- 10 keV, blue: keV red: 2- 4 keV, green:4- 10 keV, blue: keV Fig.2 MAXI/GSC false color images with a radius of 10 degrees centered on XTE J for each seven periods, a) before the onset of the outburst, b) after the first detection and the earlier phase in the LHS, c) latter half in the LHS, d) transition to the HSS, e) decline phase in the HSS, f) comes back the LHS, g) the MAXI/GSC flux is declined to the undetectable level. In the periods c and d, SAX J1748.9–2021 in the globular cluster NGC 6440 is brightened by chance. Fig.1 MAXI/GSC false color image ( ) near the Galactic center region. XTE J and other major sources identified are marked. Blue and cyan circle are source and background region used for light curve analysis. Evolution of disk-blackbody parameters during the HSS are shown. Fig. 6 (a) Example of a spectrum analyzed with a disk blackbody and a power law model. Fig. 6 (b) The MAXI/GSC scans were integrated with exposure of >2000 cm2 s, and analyzed in the same way. The Swift/XRT data products were obtained from UK Swift Science Data Centre web site, and analyzed by Xspec. The results are roughly consistent with each other. The innermost temperature (Tin) declined with time, although innermost radii (Rin) remained constant: Rin(cosθ)0.5/(D/10kpc)~110 km. XTE J GX339-4 (2010) Cygnus X-1 Fig. 4. A hardness–intensity diagram during the outburst of XTE J1752–223. The spectral evolution generally moves in the direction shown by arrows. Filled red points show the data when increased radio emissions, presumably jets, were detected on 2010 January 21. Fig.3 The MAXI/GSC light curve of XTE J1752–223 in three energy ranges (2–4, 4–10, and 10–20 keV) in comparison with Swift/BAT (15–50 and keV) calculated using batsurvey program. The hardness ratio is shown in each bottom panel. Fig. 5 (a) Joint-analyzed MAXI and BAT light curves: The light curves were binned in one-day intervals, If no MAXI of BAT data available for the day, the data was rejected on the following analyses. (b) Count-count plots were made from the joint-analyzed light curves, using the 4-10 keV count rate of GSC and the keV count rate of BAT. In the plot, if the spectral shape does not change during the luminosity change, the plots should follow a straight line. (c) Colour-colour diagrams between MAXI HR and BAT HR. The solid line and x-points represents the spectral shape of the absorbed power law with N H =0.55x cm -1 ranging photon index from 1.0 to 4.0. Dashed lines are the same except for a high energy cut-off. Spectral evolution of the XTE J during the LHS in comparison with GX (the 2010 outburst) and Cygnus X-1. Spectral evolution of the XTE J during the HSS. Basic information: Images and light curves of XTE J in the outburst (b) 4-10 keV counts vs keV counts (c) MAXI colour vs BAT colour XTE J GX339-4(2010) Cygnus X-1 (a) GSC and BAT light curves GX (the 2010 outburst) also shows a plateau period alike the XTE J From the count-count plots, XTE J and GX retain roughly the same spectrum before the plateau phase, although clearly indicates spectral evolution with luminosity variations after the plateau. Cygnus X-1 maintains the spectral shape ftom the MJD to GX spectrum obviously shows a spectral cut-off approaching the state transition, XTE J might have a similar trend. νFν spectrum of the XTE J during the 1st plateau phase. It can be described by the compps model with Te~55 keV, NH~0.55e-22 cm -1, τ~2.5, Ω/2π~0.22. conclusions While in the lower luminosity, XTE J and GX indicates no spectral change with the luminosity. Reflects the ADAF properties? In higher luminosity after the plateau periods, the spectrum varies with the flux and the time. Other state but ADAF? XTE J and GX339-4 in the high luminosity is in the similar state? 2007 and 2010 outburst of GX also indicate the plateau phase, and their light curves resembles each other. Furthermore, their rise and decay time to the HSS transition from the end of the plateau phase are roughly the same. (a) (b) for details: Yamaoka`s talk. Fig. 7 Modified Swift/BAT light curves from XTE J and GX (2007, 2010) are shown. GX rates were trebled, and were shifted to their fast-decay periods are to be matched. Aftermath of the plateau, their slopes of increasing part and length to the HSS transition harmonized. and BAT. plateau ? ? 2 nd plateau?? MAXI/GSC