DNB cloud mask test with CALIPSO over the W. coast area of S. America Cases: , , , CLAVR-x generated Cloud Mask with VIIRS DNB on & off NLCOMP & ACHA (11/12 microns) comparisons CALIPSO Level2 1-km Cloud Layer (Layer Top & Base) and 5-km VFM (Vertical Feature Mask-Cloud) data CALIPSO cloud profiles with median and high confidence flags only S. Miller and Y. Noh at CIRA/CSU (23 March 2015)
DNB and M15 (10.76 microns) VIIRS UTC on 12 Aug 2014
COT (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 12 Aug 2014
EPS (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 12 Aug 2014
Cloud Mask (DNB on and off) VIIRS UTC on 12 Aug 2014 (Red line: CALIPSO)
Cloud Mask Changes 12 Aug 2014 (16 granules) Each color represents cloud mask with IR only and the distributions along the x-axis show how the cloud mask changes with DNB (lunar refl on). Many ‘Probably clear’ and ‘Probably cloudy’ pixels from IR only are classified as ‘Cloudy’ with DNB on.
CALIPSO-VIIRS cloud mask 12 Aug 2014 CALIPSO cloudy profiles (CL01) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) CALIPSO cloudy profiles (VFM) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) VIIRS granules: UTC CALIOP profiles: UTC Upper: Layer top & base altitudes from CALIPSO 1-km Cloud Layer product (cyan) and each closest VIIRS pixel’s Cloud Mask from clavr-x (red: DNB on, blue: DNB off-ACHA1) Bottom: Cloud typed from CALIPSO 5-km Vertical Feature Mask product
12 Aug 2014
DNB and M15 (10.76 microns) VIIRS UTC on 08 Sep 2014
COT (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 08 Sep 2014
EPS (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 08 Sep 2014
Cloud Mask (DNB on and off) VIIRS UTC on 08 Sep 2014 (Red line: CALIPSO)
Cloud Mask Changes 08 Sep 2014 (17 granules) Each color represents cloud mask with IR only and the distributions along the x-axis show how the cloud mask changes with DNB (lunar refl on). Many ‘Probably clear’ and ‘Probably cloudy’ pixels from IR only are classified as ‘Cloudy’ with DNB on.
CALIPSO-VIIRS cloud mask 08 Sep 2014 CALIPSO cloudy profiles (CL01) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) CALIPSO cloudy profiles (VFM) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) VIIRS granules: UTC CALIOP profiles: UTC Upper: Layer top & base altitudes from CALIPSO 1-km Cloud Layer product (cyan) and each closest VIIRS pixel’s Cloud Mask from clavr-x (red: DNB on, blue: DNB off-ACHA1) Bottom: Cloud typed from CALIPSO 5-km Vertical Feature Mask product
08 Sep 2014
DNB and M15 (10.76 microns) VIIRS UTC on 08 Nov 2014
COT (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 08 Nov 2014
EPS (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 08 Nov 2014
Cloud Mask (DNB on and off) VIIRS UTC on 08 Nov 2014 (Red line: CALIPSO)
Cloud Mask Changes 08 Nov 2014 (13 granules) Each color represents cloud mask with IR only and the distributions along the x-axis show how the cloud mask changes with DNB (lunar refl on). Many ‘Probably clear’ and ‘Probably cloudy’ pixels from IR only are classified as ‘Cloudy’ with DNB on.
CALIPSO-VIIRS cloud mask 08 Nov 2014 CALIPSO cloudy profiles (CL01) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) CALIPSO cloudy profiles (VFM) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) VIIRS granules: UTC CALIOP profiles: UTC Upper: Layer top & base altitudes from CALIPSO 1-km Cloud Layer product (cyan) and each closest VIIRS pixel’s Cloud Mask from clavr-x (red: DNB on, blue: DNB off-ACHA1) Bottom: Cloud typed from CALIPSO 5-km Vertical Feature Mask product
08 Nov 2014
DNB and M15 (10.76 microns) VIIRS UTC on 15 Oct 2014 (3 rd quarter moon phase)
COT (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 15 Oct rd quarter moon phase partially with lunar zeniths over the threshold
EPS (NLCOMP and ACHA) VIIRS UTC on 15 Oct rd quarter moon phase partially with lunar zeniths over the threshold
Cloud Mask (DNB on and off) VIIRS UTC on 15 Oct 2014 (Red line: CALIPSO)
Cloud Mask Changes 15 Oct 2014 (9 granules) Each color represents cloud mask with IR only and the distributions along the x-axis show how the cloud mask changes with DNB (lunar refl on). Many ‘Probably clear’ and ‘Probably cloudy’ pixels from IR only are classified as ‘Cloudy’ with DNB on.
CALIPSO-VIIRS cloud mask 15 Oct 2014 (3 rd quarter moon phase) CALIPSO cloudy profiles (CL01) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) CALIPSO cloudy profiles (VFM) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB on) VIIRS cloudy pixels (DNB off) VIIRS granules: UTC CALIOP profiles: UTC Upper: Layer top & base altitudes from CALIPSO 1-km Cloud Layer product (cyan) and each closest VIIRS pixel’s Cloud Mask from clavr-x (red: DNB on, blue: DNB off-ACHA1) Bottom: Cloud typed from CALIPSO 5-km Vertical Feature Mask product No lunar refl impact between -38 ~ -60 S
15 Oct rd quarter moon phase partially with lunar zeniths over the threshold