The final stage So if you feel you can remember the Spanish you are now at the stage of trying to make sure you remember your presentation in the order that you prepared it. There is not point putting all that effort into learning the Spanish if you then throw it away because you can’t remember the order and then it doesn’t make logical sense or you suddenly remember at the end that you forgot a sentence at the beginning. How annoying would that be!? To combat this problem many people make a cue card if they have to deliver a speech. It is not common to have a cue card for writing because you have more time to think about what you want to write. A cue is something that helps to jog someone’s memory. When rehearsing for a play there is often someone there with the script to remind an actor if (s)he forgets his/her lines. They might prompt them with the first couple of words for example.
MFL Cue Card. Here in the MFL department at CVC we think a cue card has to be personal to you for it to work the best. Here are two ways that we think work best. Key words in English Name + nationality Age + Birthday Carlos (7) Eyes + hair Likes Dislikes + ? Key pictures 11 05/05 7 (2) Can you see any problems with these methods??
MFL Cue card – Some tips! Don’t write out every word – that is not a cue card! Don’t have pictures that you struggle to know what they represent. Don’t have more pictures/words than you are allowed. Do spend time on this stage – it is the last vital stage Do keep it simple. Do practise your presentation with your cue card a number of times Do get someone to listen to you giving your presentation using only your cue card.