Heat and Aggression Heat and the Bean Ball U-shaped Curve Reliable but not very strong pattern
Frustration and Aggression Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer, & Sears Frustration always leads to aggression Frustration is a blocked goal aggression is first targeted against agent that is blocking the goal If that is not possible aggression is often displaced cotton prices and lynchings The Correlation Between Cotton Prices and Lynchings was r = -.67.
Frustration to Anger to Aggression Frustration produces anger Anger is an emotional reaction that readies people to aggress If there is an aggressive cue, frustrated people will aggress Weapons Effect Studies
Modeling and Aggression The Bobo Doll Study Children watched an Adult beat up on a Bobo Doll Later they were given the opportunity to play with a number of toys including the Bobo Doll Did They wack the Bobo Doll?