Warm-up FINALS REVIEW Respond to the following: 1.Who are the figures in the work? 2.What is the function of this work? 3.What are the stylistic characteristics of the work? 4.Why was the this person portrayed this way? Obj: SWBAT analyze Egyptian artwork by describing how they reflect the ideals of the period Homework Due Today: NOTHING!! YAY!!
Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Due Today: Nothing PAST DUE: Ch 31 Cue Cards (22 Total) Ch 30 Cue Cards (30 total) Ch 29 Cue Cards (32 total) Ch 28 Cue Cards (18 total) Chapter 26 & 27 Cue Cards Homework: STUDY!! Use the STUDY GUIDE!!!! Future Due Dates: Friday May 15th: Final Exam
AP Parent Night Ch 29 Cue Cards Due Ch 30 Cue Cards Due After School Ch 31 Cue Cards Due Today Final Exam Final Project Due for Seniors Minimum Day VAPA Art Show 4-6pm VAPA Art Show 4-6pm The Wedding Singer Play Nyman Hall 7pm The Wedding Singer Play Nyman Hall 7pm The Wedding Singer 1pm & 7pm The Wedding Singer 1pm & 7pm Sub Day Final Exam SBAC Testing Begins SBAC Testing (11 th Graders)
Respond to the following: 1.Who are the figures in the work? 2.What is the function of this work? 3.What are the stylistic characteristics of the work? 4.Why was the this person portrayed this way?
Menkaure and Khamerenebty from Gizeh, Egypt ca. 2,490-2,472 B.C.E. graywacke approximately 54 1/2 in. high
Menkaure and Khamerernebty Old Kingdom Materials: (Graywacke) Stone Figures represented: Pharaoh Menkaure and his wife Khamerernebty Pharaoh wears kilt, headress (nemes), fake beard Function: House the Pharoah’s Ka aster death Placed in tomb
3-13 Menkaure and his Queen Khamerernebty (?), sculpture Flashcard Left leg longer Canon of proportions
Menkaure and Khamerernebty Old Kingdom Stylistic characteristics: High-Relief--figures remain attached to the block of stone (not exactly detached sculpture) Static, stiff pose, one food forward, hand clenched Idealized portrait—no imperfections, not realistic Canon of proportions—rules of size relationships Function & significance: Not about portraying live figures, but timelessness, divine nature of the pharaoh and house his Ka in the tomb Canon of proportions = ideas of perfection
Buddhism What are the Buddhist spiritual beliefs? Worship? God(s)? Spiritual figures? Afterlife? Lifestyle?
Buddhism Belief in reincarnation—cycle of life and death Siddartha Guatama was a prince who achieve enlightenment or Nirvana— He became who we know as the Buddha Siddartha was said to attain Nirvana under a Bodi Tree Buddha is a Person, NOT a god Nirvana—reincarnation ends, bliss Goal is to eliminate suffering, ignorance and desire Self-control and not acting on impulses, practicing meditation
Buddhism What are elements of Buddhist Iconography? What is the meaning behind Buddhist Iconography?
Buddhism Stylistic Characteristics of Buddha: Cross legged pose=meditative state Elongated ear lobes=mark of once being a prince wearing heavy earrings Hands in gestures of meditation or peace offering Thin physique, Top knot hair and Draped clothing = ascetic, monk-like lifestyle, constant meditation and not engaging in worldly desires
Art Historical Period Poster Instructions: 1.Each group will be given an Art Historical Period 2.You will write the following using the Frayer format: 1.Definition/Context 2.Stylistic Characteristics 3.Picture Examples/Artists 4.Picture Non-Examples/non-Artists 3.You will present the info to the class as a group Art Historical Periods: 1.Byzantine 2.Italian Baroque 3.Northern Baroque 4.Italian Renaissance 5.Northern Renaissance 6.Gothic 7.Romanesque You will be receiving points for this assignment TIPS: Be thorough, But Clear Use Vocab terms Do work that is neat and professional Do your fair share—give input, take input No One likes a lazy person in their group!!
Definition/Context: Art of industrialized urban Paris; 1870s & 1880s focus on a single fleeting moment, similar to photography Influenced by JAPANESE PRINTS Beginning of Abstraction Stylistic Characteristics: P lein Air- Painting directly from nature OUTDOORS– capture transitory light/color, climate, and atmospheric effects O ptics optical sensations and SURFACE of painting, emphasis on LIGHT!! Impasto—thick application of paint P ortable Paint Pre- mixed oil paint in tubes P rints and Photography Influx of Japanese prints Photographic composition/cropping Q uick/in the moment Painted QUICKLY and directly on white canvas Examples /Artists: Monet, Degas, Cassatt, Renoir Non-Examples/Non-Artists: Romanticism—Thomas Cole, Turner Realism—Corbet, Millett German Expressionism--Kandinsky Impressionism