Does the addition of computing cores increase the performance of the CReSIS Synthetic Aperture Radar Processor (CSARP)? What MATLAB toolkits and/or expansion kits are necessary to run CSARP ? What hardware requirements are necessary to store and process CReSIS collected data? What facility environmental requirements are there to house a cluster of at least 32 cores to process a data set? What is the process to prepare a cluster from a middle-ware stand- point? Can an open-source job scheduler replace the MATLAB proprietary Distributed Computing Server currently required by CSARP?
It was believed that the addition of computing cores would increase the performance of CSARP run times within a 10% level of significance.
Height Data GPS Data Raw Data Data File Ice Sheet Imagery
Provided by: Synthetic Aperture Radar Multi-Channel RADAR Depth Sounder Greenland 2008 Deployment
ADMI Cluster Testing – 1 Node
ADMI Cluster Testing – 2 Nodes
ADMI Cluster Testing – 4 Nodes
ADMI Cluster Testing – 8 Nodes
ADMI Cluster Testing – Results
Compute Requirements Storage Requirements Power Requirements Cooling Requirements Operating System
Average Home ~3 Tons 2.75 Tons
Application Scheduler Server Head Node MATLAB Job Manager MATLAB Distributed Computing Environment Condor C++ Compiler Torque Video Compression
Set the number of workers Edit Stage 1aEdit Stage 1a Edit Stage 1bEdit Stage 1b Edit Stage 2Edit Stage 2 Execute Startup.m Execute Parameters File Collect Stage run-times
1 Worker2 Workers4 Workers8 Workers16 Workers32 Workers Madogo Worker Mean Times (minutes) P-value < α therefore we must reject H 0 Statistical Hypothesis and Test Value Collected Data ANOVA Testing Analysis and Decision Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
There is significant evidence to indicate there is a difference in the performance times of CSARP with the inclusion of additional workers with a 10% level of significance.
128 Node Estimation 32 Nodes 128 Nodes Point at which overhead outweighs distribution benefits
Contact Information: Je’aime H. Powell Web Site: