Preparing for War Despite Preparedness, US was not ready to enter war w/ troops Sent Allies naval support, supplies, arms, and $3 billion. Congress passed the SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT - authorized draft. Wide acceptance. American Expeditionary Force (AEF)-volunteers. 11,000 women served in uniform 14,000 women served abroad working for govn’t.
Training for War Camps opened to train men in trench warfare and told them the crimes of the central powers CONVOY SYSTEM-all ships traveled together to protect them from German U- boats Safely transported troops.
African Americans in Europe 300,000 African Americans volunteered, kept segregated. Most never saw combat Marines would not accept African Americans Harlem Hell Fighters, integrated into the French army, received combat medal Croix de Guerre
Turning Tide of the War 1917, followers of Vladimir Lenin, called Bolsheviks, overthrew Republican govn’t in Russia. Russia signed a peace treaty w/ Germany. Freed Germany up to focus on French and British Germans crossed deep into Allied territory
Americans save Paris Americans under General Pershing stopped German attacks and began to turn the war in favor of the Allies.
Allied Counter Attack Using a new weapon, the tank, could roll across trenches and barbed wire. Began crossing German lines. German wanted peace talks Allies wanted total surrender before peace talks.
War in the Air WWI planes were built from wooden frames covered w/ cloth. Open air contact. 1 st used to scout opposition. Began firing on opposition and dropping bombs
Ending the War German commanders begged for peace. Nations crumbled Germany signed an armistice-cease fire in 1918.
Influenza epidemic Killed more people worldwide than all the wartime battles American troops brought the virus to France in st, 2 nd and 3 rd wave Could kill w/in days Grave diggers could not build graves quick enough. Schools, churches, theaters closed Masks in public Half million Americans died. 30 million worldwide.
Results of the War 50,000 Americans died in battle American losses were small compared w/ Europeans. 8 million soldiers total. Lots lost limbs, trench foot, amputated feet that were in muddy water too long Poison gases caused blindness and lung disease Genocide by Ottomans of Armenians.