Issues in Developmental Disabilities Community Building Interview Lecture Presenter: Connie Lyle O’Brien, MSW Interviewed by: Stefanie Primm
Where do we go from here? System side or Community side System side can’t do everything Need to connect people System isn’t going away Focus on Community Building
Person Centered Planning Beth Mount’s: Personal Futures Planning Include their families, community members, service personnel Do what works best for people What does the person want for their life? Put people in a position to offer what they have to give
Tools for Community Building Bring people together Include family members, community members, and stakeholders Focus questions Have more than one meeting
Alex (16 yrs old) Power from Within Real choice Having legitimate things to choose between Ask person questions Alex wants to teach a gymnastics class Teaches a class of 3-4 years olds Wants to be paid “You give me my classes for free or you pay me for what I do? It’s up to you.” Teacher, employee first time in his life Important social roles, kids look up to him
Using Language Individual: all you need is a person’s NAME Don’t need labels May need to talk about what types of supports a person needs Needs an accessible place because uses a wheelchair Needs an interpreter because doesn’t speak
How do you show choice? Help people have a wider range of experiences Ask Questions Listen
Normalization and Inclusion Use Normalization Ideas Need to return to the Principles of Normalization Help people become part of the community AND Support them in the community As typical as possible Training for new workers Some resistance, but is necessary
Inclusion in Schools Huge difference in terms of skills, abilities, and connections. People read and write now Ordinary Environments vs. Separate Places. Problem: Supports can dissipate in adult life services Missing Link: Transition between exiting school and entering the adult world
Allies Any support person could become an ally Allies join with person to achieve their goals Case Managers/Support Brokers Assitance vs ally Assistance role can tied to funding source Not static roles
Making Changes “Power Over” Power imposed on people Input from variety of sources People with disabilities, their families, community members Choice
Forming Associations Example: Ray His church His adapt group His self-advocacy network Safety on buses and in the community Neighborhood associations Focus on people’s interests Natural Groups vs Segregated Groups
The Service System and Community Building Service providers cannot always do the community building May not have the reciprocal relationships Their role is to find the connections Connect with people who CAN do it