Purpose of briefing Provide an update on policy changes and consider impact for sector and SfYC –Hampshire Council Transformation 2017 (5 mins) –OFSTED Common inspection framework and activity (40 mins) –30 hour childcare and activity (40 mins) –Provide an update on Training programme (15 mins) –EYE Paper Claim changes (5 mins) –EYPP and 2 YO checker how to view eligible children (15 mins)
HCC Transformation 2017 Detailed work stream consultation expected to start late autumn – 19 family support model bringing together early help and children’s centres with greater integration of Supporting Troubled Families Decision based on consultation - March 2016 Implementation date expected - March 2017 SfYC Blog and HCC Website
/Early_years_compliance_handbook.pdf /Registration_and_suitability_handbook_from_September_2012.pdf from-september-2015
Early Years Specific The inspection process itself and the range and types of activities undertaken by inspectors will be very similar to that settings have previously experienced.
Teaching should not be taken to imply a ‘top down’ or formal way of working. It is a broad term that covers the many different ways in which adults help young children learn. It includes their interactions with children during planned and child-initiated play and activities: communicating and modelling language, showing, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling, providing a narrative for what they are doing, facilitating and setting challenges. It takes account of the equipment adults provide and the attention given to the physical environment, as well as the structure and routines of the day that establish expectations. Integral to teaching is how practitioners assess what children know, understand and can do, as well as taking account of their interests and dispositions to learn (characteristics of effective learning), and how practitioners use this information to plan children’s next steps in learning and monitor their progress.
The Prevent Duty guidance children-from-radicalisation-the-prevent-duty Use the hyperlinks in the above documents and/or run an internet search which will result in a range of on-line training options SfYC are not offering specific Prevent Duty training Colour of Home training course explores Fundamental British Values, Details of the Colour of Home course, which is offered through the Subscription scheme, can be found on the Learning Zone under the course code EYFS0935.
Common Inspection Framework: Activity What do you think will be the biggest challenges for Hampshire pre-schools and nurseries of the changes to the Ofsted framework? What support do you need to prepare you for this?
Kirsty Stickley and Kay Watling Quality Improvement Workforce Development Managers
2015/16 Quality Improvement Training programme It’s not too late to make your course bookings we would prefer not to cancel courses – decisions on minimum numbers are made on a course by course basis Spring 2016 courses - please book these as early as possible Don’t forget to apply for your 4 e-learning options Unused subscription training places will NOT be carried forward to 2016/17 scheme
2015/16 Quality Improvement Training programme Safeguarding courses – it is unlikely that additional Safeguarding courses will be available, so please try to book places on the remaining courses that have spaces. We will offer anyone on a waiting list a place on an existing course and all waiting lists will be deleted in March Course change - A 3 day course on ECERS-3 will be available in the spring term course code EYFS AA replacing the proposed ITERS course in the training course flyer
2016/17 Training Programme Training opportunities in 2016/17 will continue the cost per place will increase to £80 Safeguarding courses will not be part of the training subscription scheme and will need to be paid for separately All courses will continue to be available through the Learning Zone – the booking process you are now used to will not change
The Professional Options booklet can now be downloaded from the SfYC website The prices stated are for an introductory period for Hampshire providers only Providers can purchase training/support as ½ day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours) from District Advisory Team, Childcare Development and Business Officer Team, Children’s Centres Team and the Inclusion Team The booklet also identifies options that can be purchased from Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) and Rights And Diversity Education centre (RADE) 2015/16 Professional Options
Early Years Education update 30 hours childcare update and Activity Paper claims spring 2016 Early Years Pupil premium and 2 year olds – How to view eligible children EYSFF data collection for 2016 rates
30 HOURS CHILDCARE ublications/childcare-bill-policy- statement
30 hours childcare eligibility : October 2015 Eligibility for the free entitlement will include households where: – both parents are working or one parent working in lone parent families, for their children aged three- or four-years-old. This will be defined as earning the equivalent of 8 hours per week on national minimum wage and this can includes self-employment; – both parents are working (as above) and in receipt of tax credits and/ or universal credit; – both parents are employed but one or both parent is temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity or paternity leave; – both parents are employed but one or both parent is temporarily away from the workplace on adoption leave; – both parents are employed but one or both parent is temporarily away from the workplace on statutory sick pay; – one parent is employed and one parent is has substantial caring responsibilities (based on specific benefits received for caring); or – one parent is employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated (based on specific benefits). Parents will remain eligible for the free entitlement if they access tax credits, Universal Credit, Tax-Free Childcare and other childcare schemes to help pay for any additional childcare they need in addition to their free entitlement.
30 Hours Childcare - issues Parents are welcoming the news but providers have: –Minimum wage moving to living wage –Implementation of Government’s workplace pensions –Changes to Ofsted inspection framework –Concerns regarding the numbers of staff available –Concerns regarding early years rates –Concerns parents demand will force sessional to become full day care
30 hour childcare activity Discuss with your neighbour or in small groups: –What support will you need to consider 30 hours childcare? –What support do you think parents will need? –Are their any other key issues SfYC should be aware of?
Early Years Single Funding Formula – April 2016
EYSFF April 2016 Maintaining current EYSFF arrangement for April 2016 pending outcome of Government’s Spending Review (end November) and 30 hour childcare April base rate will continue at £3.81 and no change to the flexibility and quality bands –EYSFF data collected at the same time as Early Years Census – January 2016 On-line process being investigated to provide greater accuracy –Planning to notify setting EYSFF rate by end February 2016 –Estimated EYE funding statements due by March 2016 –NB: IDACI bandings changing from 1 April 2016
2 YO and EYPP viewing eligible children
2YO and EYPP Provider Portal Guide on the Website Use ‘My Settings’ to switch OEYE = 2YO OEYPP = EYPP
EYPP Eligibility Queries View Eligible and Not Found applications dddddddfdfd dgh On the portal you can view the eligible applications for which you will be receiving payment You can also see those that were not found as eligible Verify with the parent/carer which criteria they believe they are eligible under and that their information (name, address, dob and NI number) match the information held by DWP Contact your local office who can support you or the parent/carer if they believe they should be eligible
Change for Headcount paper claims
Early Years Education Online and Paper claims
Change for Headcount Paper claims Spring Headcount - January 2016 –Headcount form will be sent via business account –Balance of hours will be sent separately via business account –Provider prints, completes and sends by a secure postal method to SfYC –Paper claim providers will be contacted directly from SfYC –Inperiod claims remain unaffected