T HE L OCAL O FFER – H ILLHOUSE C OF E P RIMARY SCHOOL W ALTHAM A BBEY E SSEX The purpose of this document is to enable parents and young people with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) to see clearly the range of service available to them and how they can be accessed.
T HE LOCAL OFFER The Local offer is information for parents/carers of children with SEND and those with Additional educational need. It will outline the range of support available to you at Hillhouse C of E Primary school.
H OW ARE SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS DEFINED ? At Hillhouse Primary school, we keep a register of children who have Additional educational needs or Special Educational Need or Disability. We monitor the progress of these children and adapt our practice to suit the needs of the individual child so that they can achieve their full potential. Indications that a child may have Special Educational Needs include: failing to match or better a previous rate of progress, failing to close the progress gap with their peers or a widening gap with their peers or working significantly below age expectations. The school will use a graduated response to identify and support the individual needs of a child.
A pupil is raised as a concern by the class teacher or parent, information is gathered together using the school’s “Concern” form before consulting the Inclusion Manager. Early targeted intervention is put in place. This will be class based support though the use of resources and differentiation as necessary.This is discussed with the child and their parents and is reviewed regularly. An SEN Class Provision Map is drawn up half termly with Inclusion Manager/SENCo involvement to provide additional intervention and support. Children will be set small targets for a six week period. This information will be communicated with parents via a target postcard The school, alongside with parents and outside agencies where appropriate will use One Planning as a next level of support. This will focus on specific outcomes for the child. A personal profile will be drawn up to enable all those working with the child to know what works or does not work for them. An EHC plan is for children / young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and where an assessment of education, health and social care needs is agreed by a multi- agency group of professionals. It is available from birth to age 25. The school will move to the application of an EHC plan when other interventions are not proving successful to support the child in their educational progress. Hillhouse C of E Primary School Support for pupils with SEND or AENs —A Graduated Response
A GRADUATED RESPONSE : STEP 1 The needs of individual children will be addressed in the classroom through careful planning and differentiation of tasks. Children may be supported by specific resources or by working in a small adult led groups. The class teacher will monitor the progress that all children are making and use assessment to identify any concerns that he or she may have about the children within the class. Any concerns that they have will be recorded on a ‘record of concern form’ which will be shared with the SENCo and Inclusion Manager.
A GRADUATED RESPONSE : STEP 2 If you have any initial concerns over the progress of your child, these should firstly be addressed with your child’s class teacher. During half termly meeting with the SENCo and Inclusion Manager, these will be raised. They may also be raised by other adults working with your child. Information will be recorded on a class provision map, where individual will be set targets for the next 6 weeks. Any additional interventions will be arranged to help achieve these small progress targets. Information about the targets that your child has been set will be sent home to you as a target postcard. You are of course welcome to discuss these with your child’s class teacher who will also be able to give you information about how you can help at home. Targets will be reviewed and new ones set.
A VAILABLE S UPPORT AT HILLHOUSE C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Qualified SENCo (National SENCo Award) Qualified Learning Mentor Qualified Reading Recovery teacher Training Numbers Count teacher Teaching Assistants to support children with Speech and Language Interventions in school provided include: Talk Boost, 6s and 7s, Anger Management, Social Skills, Lego Therapy, Musical Communication, Toe by Toe, Precision Monitoring, 1:1 Mentoring, Numbers Count and Reading Recovery. Interventions are mostly run by Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants. Interventions will always be tailored to suit the needs of groups/individuals. Class Teachers, the Inclusion Manager and SENCo are able to provide further information on these should they be appropriate to your child.
A GRADUATED RESPONSE : STEP 3 If a child is not making the expected progress with the additional interventions that the school is able to provide, the school may then choose to involve outside support from within the local area via the Essex Local Offer. Information on the services that can be provided can be found at The SENCo will arrange for a One Planning meeting to discuss the needs of individual children and to set outcome focussed targets based on what is working well for the child and not working well. The child, parents, teachers and others working with the child will be invited to these meetings to work collaboratively. Progress will be reviewed and new targets set. A personal profile will be produced for the child to enable anyone working with them to know what is important to them and how they can best be supported. An example of a personal profile is available to view on the school website.
O UTSIDE AGENCY SUPPORT VIA THE ESSEX LOCAL OFFER As Part of the Epping South Local Delivery Group, the school has access to the following services: Play therapists Family support workers Music therapists Counsellors It may also be suggest the agencies such as occupational health, educational psychologists and speech and language therapists become involved with your child. The school will provide you with information about these services and provide information for how to engage with them if it is thought to be necessary.
A GRADUATED RESPONSE : STEP 4 If there remains concerns about a child and it is thought that further support is needed, the school will make an application for an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan). Agencies will work together to plan what best support can be put in place for the child to achieve the best possible outcomes for them. Further information about the process of application for an EHC Plan can be found at If in EHC Plan is put into place, it will be reviewed regularly to assess progress towards outcomes and to set new targets.
C ONTACT INFORMATION Class teachers are available at the start and end of the day for you to arrange a time to meet with them. Please bear in mind that it may not always be possible to see you there and then, but we will be able to arrange a convenient time. Inclusion Manager – Mrs Tracey Borner – via the school office. SENCo – Mrs Julie Tollervey – via the school office. SEN Governor – Mrs Carolyn Bruton – via the school office. School office number SEN direct dial number -