Let’s start talking about the basics of composition: First what is COMPOSITION? What is POSITIONING? What is POINT OF VIEW?
Point of View: Where are you?
There are three basic types of perspective when shooting images: Bird’s-eye View A bird's - eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird, often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans and maps. It can be an aeria l photograph, but also a drawing. Worm’s-eye View A worm's - eye view is a view of an object from below, as though the observer were a worm ; the opposite of a bird's- eye view. A worm's eye view is used commonly for third perspective, with one vanishing point on top, one on the left, and one on the right. Eye Level View An eyelevel angle is the one in which the camera is placed at the subject’s height, so if the actor is looking at the lens, he wouldn’t have to look up or down. Eyelevel shots are incredibly common because they are neutral. Shooting eye level Allows the photographer to see more of the subject…straight on prevents distortion.
Birds-eye: shooting as if you were in The sky
Worm’s eye level: ground level
Low angle Low angles are captured from a camera placed below the actor’s eyes, looking up at them. Low angles make characters look dominant, aggressive, or ominous. High Angle In a high angle, the camera is above the subject, looking down. This position makes characters look weak, submissive, or frightened. They are also good POVs of an adult looking at a child Dutch tilt Also called canted angle, a Dutch tilt has the camera leaning sideways, transforming the horizon into a slope. A Dutch tilt changes horizontal and vertical lines into diagonals and creates a more dynamic composition. Though rare, canted angles can be employed with great artistic effect to disorient and disturb the viewer. Photography has often adopted the creative styles of cinematography. For example:
Low angle: shooting below an object can make the view feel the subject is in control of the situation. The object that is higher than the view appears to have the control: real world examples are the Royal throne or a Judges podium.
High Angle: Angle can’t be too steep or the subject will be distorted and not visually appealing. Often illicits a protectiveness of the view for the subject.
Dutch tilt: Can be over-tilted and then the image becomes awkward for the viewer. Often difficult to accomplish this angle well for portraiture as it is hard to get Into a frame.
Remember the power of juxtaposition: shooting a subject from an unexpected angle will have more creative impact and visual appeal.