Peace Operations Tool Kit User Story Report Edwin Padilla & Mamadou Balde Senior Seminar Fall 2015 November 17 th, 2015 Dickinson College
Review of Our Project U.S Army War College Database Management MySQL Benchmark and Bootstrap Adaptation CodeIgniter Trial User Story Editing Creation of Additional Pages
Importance of Project Prototype Is this actually possible? Facilitate process of searching for courses all over the world through a responsive interface
User Story User story: As a user, I want to see a search form so that I can look up a specific course. Acceptance criteria: When I go to the homepage, I should see a search form. The search form should have the fields we need to search for the course that we want (course name, start date, end date, country, etc.)
Significance of User Story to Client’s Objective Our project has 2 core functionalities: search for a course View available courses on an interactive map This user story implements the first core functionality and serves as a gateway to the second core functionality. It is imperative that we implement this functionality correctly because we do not want our result to display incorrect information about courses.
User Story Implementation Details Used jumbotron from bootstrap to hone in on the content of the search form Implemented required input fields via HTML stylized via bootstrap CSS Libraries Used jQuery to generate a calendar for easy input selection for Start and End Dates
Technical Challenges Having the input field correctly displayed on the search form Writing the JQuery script to add a calendar as an input selection Formating the form so that it is properly aligned with other sections of the home page
Analysis of User Story Independent - Worded in a way that separates its functionality from the map and serves its own purpose Negotiable - Client can alter what the search form is for and how it should be displayed on webpage Valuable - Leads to our second core functionality, the map once search button clicked. *Estimable - We know that displaying the search form will not be as complex or take as much time as implementing the comparison to find the right courses. Small - It only serves one purpose, displaying a form. Testable - If you go to the homepage and see the right search form with the right fields then the search form is displayed correctly
Overall Analysis of User Stories Simplify User Stories for Clients - Descriptive, concise language rather than technical Acceptance Criteria should be understandable to client, less technical language Some of our user stories are overly complex, will subdivide them so each one serves one purpose that can be properly estimated.
Next Steps... Implement comparison of search values and actual database data Implement functionality that shows all courses that fit search criteria on map Implement functionality that redirects user to course web page when user clicks on the course link Finish hot deals and announcements and add to home page.
Thank You! Any questions?