2040 LONG RANGE PLAN UPDATE 2040 LRTP Update – Needs Plan Development October 6, 2015 City of Lynn Haven
Membership based on population from the 2010 census TPO Board is made up of local elected officials Two advisory committees: – Technical Advisory Committee – Citizens Advisory Committee
Work Products of the TPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Transit Development Plan (TDP) Bicycle/Pedestrian Master plan ITS Master Plan Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) Congestion Management Plan Annual Project Priorities Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
What is the Purpose of the TPO? The central purpose of the TPO is to achieve a safe, effective, efficient, integrated, harmonious, multi- modal transportation system for the urbanized area
PURPOSE OF THE LRTP Blueprint to maintain and enhance our regional transportation system Consider current needs and forecasted future growth List of multi-modal transportation projects to be funded through 2040 (cost feasible) Maintain currency by updating every five years to consider changes in growth and travel patterns * Current 2035 LRTP was adopted in July 2011
ELEMENTS OF THE LRTP Goals & ObjectivesNeedsAssessment DataForecastsFinancialResources CostFeasiblePlan 2040 LRTP
Goals and Objectives Goals and Objectives serve as the guiding principles of the plan. They will help determine the projects that are ultimately included in the plan. Will be the basis for developing the project evaluation criteria
2040 Needs Assessment Begins with the forecasting of 2040 conditions using the current transportation network Followed by development of alternatives – Road projects – Transit projects – Bike/Pedestrian projects – Operational projects
2040 Needs Assessment Ultimately the Bay County Transportation Planning Organization will develop a multi-modal Needs Plan for 2040 This will likely be a mix of transit, bicycle, pedestrian and roadway projects
Financial Resources What funding will be available and what new sources could be available? Projects can use Local, State, Federal or Private transportation dollars We will not have sufficient revenues to meet all of our needs Previous plan had $3.2 billion in needed projects - $370 million in available revenues
Cost Feasible Plan How do we set priorities within funding constraints? We will strive for a balanced plan that functions well as a mobility system.
Capacity Program Estimates Capacity Programs 2040 Revenue Forecast Year Total SIS Highways Construction & ROW$36.05$0.00 $36.05 Other Arterials Construction & ROW$49.01$46.40$101.50$ Transit$19.00$20.00$42.00$81.00 Total Capacity Programs$104.06$66.4$143.5$ Source: Florida Department of Transportation
Capacity Program Estimates Source: Florida Department of Transportation Capacity Programs 2040 Revenue Forecast Year Total SIS Highways Construction & ROW$36.05$0.00 $36.05 Other Arterials Construction & ROW$49.01$46.40$101.50$ Transit$19.00$20.00$42.00$81.00 Total Capacity Programs$104.06$66.4$143.5$313.96
Needs Plan Development 2040 Deficiency Analysis
Potential Needs Plan Projects US231 – Widen to 6 lanes CR388 – Widen to 4 lanes West Bay Parkway (CR388 Extension) to Walton County SR388 Realignment at SR77 Gulf Coast Parkway Gulf to Bay Parkway US98 – Widen to 6 lanes from SR79 east Power Line Road concept CR390 (Lynn Haven) – Widen to 4 lanes Gayle’s Trails projects (multi-use trail network) US98 at US231 Interchange
Potential Needs Plan Projects The Panama City Beach CRA will continue to move the following projects forward: – Alf Coleman widening – Clara Avenue widening – Powell Adams widening – Hills Road widening – SR79 widening from Front Beach to Back Beach – Loop Road – Phase 2
Potential Needs Plan Projects Interchange at the main entrance of Tyndall AFB Phase 2 of Thomas Drive/US98 Interchange Bus service into Walton County
SCHEDULE Continued Development of 2040 Needs Plan – Fall 2015 Public Workshop Series #2 – The first will be September 15 th in Panama City – The second will be September 17 th in Lynn Haven A draft Needs Plan will be presented to the TPO and advisory committees at the October Meetings
SCHEDULE Final Needs Plan presentation in December for adoption Development of 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Spring 2016 Public Workshop Series #3 – Summer 2016 Plan Adoption – July 2016
How to Get Involved Mailing List Newsletters Web Future Workshops Community Group Presentations
CONTACT INFORMATION Project ManagerConsultant Manager Gary KramerWiley Page TPO StaffAtkins
Survey & Exercise
CONTACT INFORMATION Project ManagerConsultant Manager Gary KramerWiley Page TPO StaffAtkins