Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions Surgical Tools for the Hysteroscopy Simulator Semester Project by Michel Estermann Tutor: Stefan Tuchschmid
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions 1. Hysteroscopy 2. Hysteroscopy Simulator 3. Tool Modelling 4. Tissue Interaction 5. Result and Outlook
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions ● endoscopic visualization of uterine cavity ● second most often performed procedure in gynecology ● diagnostic and surgery
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions ● 95 % of all hysteroscopic surgery ● resectosope cutting loop rollerball needle ● resection and coagulation ● high frequency current
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions
surgical training simulator training of manipulative and procedural skills soft tissue deformation collision detection and response cutting haptic device
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions
Blender version 2.40 export wavefront object files (.obj) modification of object files
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions Coagulation dehydration of cells denaturation of proteins ---> white discoloration too high energy ---> carbonisation
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions
blen d bas e r ~ f(t) opacity ~ f(x-x 0, y-y 0 ) newCol = base * (1-opacity) + blend * opacity x 0,y 0 r
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions glTexSubImage2D blen d bas e
Computer aided and image guided Medical interventions
improve visual effect by choosing better overlay texture solve problem of texture joint find more accurate algorithm to determine coagulation point extend to allow coagulation at pathology move tissue mesh to increase realism