Versioning and Use Case Demonstration Pavel Stoev Senior Solutions Developer Links Technology Solutions
Proviso The following presentation covers two important topics on the agenda for the subcommittee: 1.A discussion of why versioning is so important and how it might be done 2.How we have created XML schemas in the past when faced with a similar challenge We hope that the presented materials are relevant and spark lively discussion.
Agenda Terminology and Definitions What an eForms standard might look like? How would an eForms standard evolve over time? Our workflow for creating XML schema Demonstration Q & A
Terminology & Definitions
Lookup Table A lookup table is a “dictionary” keys-and-values list used to simplify data or indexing operations. In the FERC EQR Data Dictionary, an examples of lookup tables are “Rate Units”, “Units”, “Time Zone”, etc. Keys are typically abbreviated (e.g. CDT). Other data (e.g. Active/Inactive Date, Is Outside U.S.) can also be part of the “value” component.
Terminology & Definitions Lookup Values Dictionary A versioned document that describes all lookup tables and all of their key-value relationships. Lookup TableKeyValue TimeZoneCDTCentral Daylight Time TimeZoneEDTEastern Daylight Time RateUnitMWHMegawatt Hour
Terminology & Definitions Data Dictionary A versioned document that describes the schema or structure of the data and its relationships – fields, their purpose, type, length, format, etc. This is not to be confused with XSD/XML schema. For EQRs, FERC refers to the combination of lookup values dictionary and data dictionary as Data Dictionary.
Terminology & Definitions Validations Dictionary A versioned document that describes all the validations performed on the data – both at the schema and application levels. Such document may describe conditions of validation, user message, result, etc. for each validation performed on the data.
Terminology & Definitions Terminology Dictionary Standardized language reference (glossary) to be used by the subcommittee for the duration of the eForms project. Its purpose is to unify the language used by subcommittee members during the standards development process.
Terminology & Definitions XSD Schema A versioned.xsd document that bundles the data dictionary, validations dictionary, and lookup dictionary to XSD format. XSD schema validates content of XML documents.
Terminology & Definitions Version A version is [ MAJOR].[MINOR] (e.g. 0.1, 1.0, 2.15). Major component is incremented for breaking changes, minor – for non-breaking changes. Breaking Change A change in one part of a software system that potentially causes other components to fail. Breaking change “breaks” backwards compatibility. Breaking changes cause MAJOR component of version to increase and MINOR to reset to 0 (e.g. 1.0 followed by 2.0). Non-Breaking Change A change in one part of a software system that does not cause other components to fail. Non-breaking change “maintains” backwards compatibility. Non-breaking changes cause MINOR component of version to increase without change to MAJOR (e.g. 1.1 followed by 1.2).
Terminology & Definitions eForms Standard A versioned collection of versioned documents that describes the schema, data and validations related a specific eForm (e.g. Form 6Q).
What an eForms standard might look like? Form 6Q eForms Standard 1.0 Form 6Q Validations Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q Data Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q Lookup Values Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q XSD Schema 1.0
How would a eForms standard evolve over time? Form 6Q eForms Standard 1.0 Form 6Q Validations Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q Data Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q Lookup Values Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q eForms Standard 1.1 Form 6Q Validations Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q Data Dictionary 1.0 Form 6Q Lookup Values Dictionary 1.1 Form 6Q eForms Standard 2.0 Form 6Q Validations Dictionary 2.0 Form 6Q Data Dictionary 2.0 Form 6Q Lookup Values Dictionary 2.0 Non-breaking update to FORM 6Q lookup value (e.g. add/update/remove rows for Time Zone) Initial ReleaseBreaking updates to schema, lookup values and validations (e.g. new fields that require non-blank values) Form 6Q XSD Schema 1.0 Form 6Q XSD Schema 2.0
Our workflow for creating XML schema Documents Form 6Q Data Dictionary Form 6Q Lookup Values Dictionary Form 6Q Validations Dictionary XSD Form 6Q XSD Schema eForms Standard Actual standard documents Relevant online and offline resources Existing Data Form 6Q PDF Forms Form 6Q FoxPro Database Structure XML Convert existing data to XML XSD Convert XML to XSD Adjust XSD as necessary Documents Form 6Q Data Dictionary Form 6Q Lookup Values Dictionary Form 6Q Validations Dictionary XSD Form 6Q XSD Schema eForms Standard Actual standard documents Relevant online and offline resources
DEMONSTRATION Sample 2013 Q4 FORM 6Q submitted by Shell
XML Structure FORM 6Q id, version, isOriginal, date Report Respondent QuarterlyPeriod Report Sections Report Section (e.g. Identification) Report Section (e.g. Corporations Controlled by Respondent) Corporation Name Parent Voting Stock Percent Owned Corporation Name Parent Voting Stock Percent Owned Corporation Name Parent Voting Stock Percent Owned Report Section (e.g. Officers) Footnotes Note 1: Unique identifiers can be used to cross-reference elements in the XML structure Note 2: Binary content (attachments, files) can be supported within XML data (e.g. in footnotes)
Q & A
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