mobile content for frontline health workers mHealth Workshop October 15 th 2013
Almat Alemu, Health Extension Worker
Frontline health workers are the first and often the only link to health care for millions of people living in the developing world. They are the most immediate and cost effective way to save lives and improve health Frontline Health Workers Coalition Why mPowering Frontline Health Workers? The challenges Inadequate training and continuing professional development Inappropriate learning resources (context, language and level) Lack of clinical decision support Inability to make timely diagnosis, treatment, referral and follow up Inefficient data collection and real-time monitoring Inability to ensure patient adherence to treatment Lack of sustainable and scalable responses
with the mission to contribute to the elimination of preventable child and maternal deaths by accelerating the use of mobile technology to improve the skills and performance of frontline health workers What is mPowering Frontline Health Workers? Public Private Partnership Launched in 2012 by USAID and the mHealth Alliance
Founding Partners Who’s involved in mPowering?
Partners’ roles … Resource partners bring cash and in-kind donations, technology, health content and technical assistance Advocacy partners create the awareness needed to mobilize resources Implementing partners create and adapt technology solutions and health content Research partners will conduct formative, operations and evaluation research to improve solutions, document best practices and encourage global learning
Who else is mPowering collaborating with ? UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities MDG Health Alliance One Million Community Health Workers Frontline Health Workers Coalition mHealth Working Group BackPack Plus MCHIPBarr Foundation MAMAComic Relief AccentureDfID Digital CampusBMJ (British Medical Journal)
4. Advocacy efforts to raise awareness of mHealth’s potential and to encourage continuous learning and exchange Four core areas of activity … 1. Create a multi-media crowd-sourced health content library that can be integrated into mobile applications 2. Support mHealth programs in six countries go beyond pilot to scale 3. Undertake research and evaluation of projects to build evidence of highest-impact mHealth interventions