Long-term Sustainability and Resource Mobilization
The Biblical Mandate What do you have in your hand? The Colonial legacy It is ours! Taking ownership
Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa The Global Generosity Campaign is to: Create generosity awareness Encourage generosity commitment Facilitate generosity engagement
Equip Christians to share the Biblical message of generosity Catalyse generosity collaboration throughout Africa and globally Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa
Key outcomes will include: Generosity & stewardship part of lifestyle of Christians Generosity & stewardship integrated into discipleship & teaching programs Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa
Key outcomes continued… A dramatic increase in giving to Christian causes especially to missions Increased giving to ministry amongst the unengaged, unreached Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa
VIDEO CLIP Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa
Question What attitudes need to change if the Church/Ministry in Africa is to become more self- sustainable?