Powerpoint Jeopardy DefinitionsBuilding the Pyramid MummificationToolsJobs
The river that flows through Egypt
The way people use and manage rescores
A time in a place when there is a lack of food
This was an astronomy system the Egyptians used to keep track of the seasons, and when the flooding of the Nile River was about to happen.
when the Ancient Egyptians gathered all of the crops they grew and sometimes dried them to store over the winter
What the Egyptians had to have before they could quarry stone
What is the material that was used to build the pyramid
How many bricks are required to build the pyramid
there is something special about the pyramid
How many bricks are required to build the pyramid
What is the embalming place called
What is your body washed out with
Per nefer means
They are made out of onions
Your soul is led to
spear like weapon with a barbed head used in haunting whales and large fish.
Item used to protect villages
a tool used to lift water from a stream
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