Cathy Salmon (Team Leader) Lance Sappington Daley Landon Mary Jobe
Expose and teach students several individual, team, and lifetime activities. Learn the value of active participation in sports and recreation throughout life. Give students the opportunity to improve their physical fitness. Units include safety, equipment, skills, strategies, cooperation, teamwork, leadership and rules of the activity.
Illness/injuries need to have notes from parents. If the illness extends longer than two days, a doctor’s note is required explaining how long the athlete should be out. Four points are given each day in the following four categories: 1)Warm-Up 2)Effort/Participation 3)Sportsmanship/Behavior 4)Uniform Make-up slips need to be filled out for any absence. Check family access for student progress/grades.
Enter locker rooms in a controlled manner. Dress into uniform (Names should be on tops and bottoms). Sweatshirts or pants can be worn over uniforms; appropriate shoes and socks (not Keds or flats). Earlier classes may want old shoes and extra socks because of wet fields. Enter gym after being dismissed from locker room and go to squad/roll lines. Warm ups and attendance taken. Daily instruction, fitness component, and introduction to activity. Participate in activity. Return to locker room and get into street clothes. We come in five minutes early. Leave when dismissed.
No mandatory showers. Classes are coed. Each Wednesday we have an aerobic/circuit training activity.