ACQUISITION PROCESS S ECTION 2: ACQUISTION P ROCESS Departments contemplating acquisitions should notify Human Resources as soon as possible to begin the acquisition process. Human Resources will create a master faculty acquisition requisition that all acquired faculty may apply to.
ACQUISITION PROCESS STEPS S ECTION 2: ACQUISITION P ROCESS Step 1: Contact Human Resources to inform of the acquisition and faculty members expected to transition. Step 2: Human Resources creates the master acquisition requisition. Step 3:HR will provide the requisition link to the department. The link will also be shared in welcome meetings with practices in the acquisition process. Step 4: Department sends requisition link to candidates for acquisition. Step 5:Candidates apply to master requisition. Step 6:Departments create and submit individual requisitions. Candidates are moved to individual requisitions by HR. Step 7: Department changes the candidate status to “Selected For Hire-Faculty EEO Review”. Step 8:EVPARA reviews. Step 9:Upon EVPARA review, offer extended by department. Step 10:Upon offer acceptance, Department creates and completes New Hire Checklist and then notifies HR to close the Posting.